
Felix was undeniably nervous when the time had finally come for him to play the song he had been working on for Rachel. She wasn't the slightest bit suspicious at first because he said he wanted to show her something he had been working on. That happened all the time. 

It was obvious she knew it was about her a few lines in because she had tears in her eyes even as she giggled and that was adorable but he had to persevere and finish this. No more looking at her until it was all out!

When he finally did finish, he dared to meet her eyes and cleared his throat. "So? What do you think?"

"I didn't realize I meant so much to you," she said softly as she wiped her eyes. "It was beautiful. Definitely my new favorite song." 

Felix was relieved but simultaneously sheepish. "…I'm not very good at expressing my feelings. Never have been any way other than music. That's why I wrote it in the first place. You deserved to know."

"Felix, should we get married?"