The Future Was Bright

Rachel didn't know what Felix wanted out of their relationship long term because he never specifically said anything about it. She was afraid to ask too because they had barely started saying that they loved each other. 

She knew what she wanted but was willing to wait to say anything. It had worked for getting him to like her and agree to be in a relationship in the first place. She could be patient even if she was going a little bit crazy wondering now and then. 

She didn't expect him to elaborate on his feelings so soon. When he said he wanted to show her what he was working on, she thought it would be like any other song. Not one specifically devoted to how he felt about her!

Rachel actually cried a little bit because her boyfriend wasn't great with words (which was funny coming from a lyricist) and it was the most beautiful confession of love she had ever heard in her life. Far more than from any romance novel Dana had her read!