A Very Casual Life

Gwen Iverson loved her anonymity but it wasn't always possible considering she used to be a public figure. She had been very lucky that her friends were the trustworthy sort and had never ratted her out. 

No one connected to them ever had either as the group got bigger. She trusted them and they trusted those they introduced her to so that was good enough for her.

That was why she tried to help Lucy Braithwaite out. The young woman was incredibly talented and was about as bright and cheerful as Becca. Gwen liked her immediately when they first met while planning Rachel's wedding. 

It really wasn't hard checking her old email address for any contacts she could potentially try to send her way. It hardly took any time or effort at all to send out a mass email talking up Lucy's talent and recommending they check out her boutique. Gwen fully intended to utilize it herself if she ever needed a formal dress again.