Vampires are indeed a cursed race

"If it war they Crave,

War, they will get."

Azriel announced with a determined look on his face.

"So? How are we going to fight against 100,000 beings with our 10,000 Vampires?"

Ithania questioned.

Luminia, however, shrugged her shoulders.

"As I said, I and Lilia won't help. You have to figure out things on your own."

Azriel nodded in understanding and then turned towards Ithania,

"Tsk Tsk, Bookworm, have you gotten rusty in all these years? Just think of something, will you? We don't have much time."

Ithania glared at Azriel however, in the end, she sighed and then closed her eyes.


The room turned silent.

Everyone knew that Ithania was thinking of something. Azriel was trying to think of a way as well, as for Luminia and Lilia…

Well, they just didn't care.

Their reasoning was simple if these two can't even handle this small-scale battle, how will they handle things when the actual war starts?