The Third Step cannot be changed

"Who are you?"

Azriel questioned.

If whatever 'Ithania' has told him is true and this world indeed runs with his own imagination, then there is no way 'Ithania' who is supposed to act like how he thinks she should act and talk this way.

It makes no sense.

The only logical conclusion Azriel could come up with is that this Ithania is someone who created this illusion and was using her body to talk to him.

Well, since he has already appeared in front of him through Ithania, he should introduce himself as well.



Contrary to Azriel's expectations, Ithania just smiled and turned, her body and Azriel's surrounding started turning into white Mist.

"Hey! At least tell me who you are!?"

Azriel sensed that this Second Step was about to end, therefore, he questioned again.

However, Ithania just smiled at him again and then, she disappeared.

"Why the fuck did you even appear in front of me!?

This makes no fucking sense!"

Azriel cursed repeatedly.