The streaks of sunlight stirred Xenon awake. The intensity of the rays stung, even with his eyes closed and his brows scrunched up slightly in discomfort. A shadow blocked the rays of the sun, Xenon's eyes came open and he found himself staring up at Jian who stared down at him with a questioning look.
"Now, now... why is it you?" Jian asked, though a ghost of a smile lingered on his lips, betraying his surprise. Xenon got to his feet with a start, and Jian quickly stepped away before Xenon could bump into him in his rush.
"What in..." Xenon began to say but he trailed off, glancing around, he realized he was out on a balcony. It was nothing like the small inn he had been in just a moment ago. The balcony overlooked the familiar city of Blazed, and Xenon realized in astonishment that he was in Fort Blazed.