Calix's Gameplay (2)

The background sound of the game intensified, giving the people inside the gymnasium another level of excitement. On the large screen of the stage, the final lineup of roles for the two squads was displayed for a minute. Another countdown on the side could be seen before these players would enter the map.

Silver Flame: Tank, Marksman, Fighter, Support, Mage.


Extreme Gaming: Assassin, Tank, Mage, Fighter, Support.

Each character had notable weapon and unique skill set that all audiences were familiar with. But, familiarity was not enough on the battlefield for this tournament. Pro gamers must also be adept at their gaming tactics.

"Hehe, the Silver Flame squad is abandoning an assassin character and opted for healer support! Truly unexpected there! What is the meaning of this lineup? We know that this squad is an assassin main. Are they trying to look down their opponent by the characters they are using for this final match?" the first commentator announced once more. "It would seem that captain Calix wanted to prove something here? Ohh... Wait,---- Just wait a minute. Hehe... isn't his fighter role the meta of BGS? Hah... Indeed! Theo is the fighter god of this Spear fighter character!"

In an instant, the audience was stunned by this realization too. Not only that, some groups' screaming intensified after recalling the connection between Calix and the BGS captain.

"Ohh... wow! The commentator is right! This fighter with a long spear weapon was captain Theo's meta!"

"HAHAHA... now that this was mentioned... That's really sweet of him to choose this fighter character! He really meant what he had posted last night!"

On the other side, the second commentator was taken aback. He stared at the monitor without blinking. But, he was also quick to recover from the sudden realization and spoke, "It would look so. But, the Extreme Gaming squad had a balanced role in their team. Picking an assassin sniper would allow them to have a marksman too. The Silver Flame might be at a disadvantage in terms of the lineup."

"The lineup was indeed favorable to the Extreme Gaming Squad. I just can't wait to see how the Silver Flame squad would counter them!"

These commentators continued to make their speculations. And the audience enthusiastically listened to their opinions.

The expression of all the participants was very serious. It was the deciding match. Whoever wins would be the champion. The heavy pressure of winning somehow affected their usual demeanor. All their eyes were lowered and they just focused on their phone. The sound that they were listening to was either the beating of their heart or the background sound of the game.

Amidst the speculations thrown around, in the BGS booth, some members secretly observed the reaction of their captain. With so many people expressing their thoughts and talking about Theo and Calix, these members could not help but check if Theo was affected by it.

The man looked calm with an air of indifference around him. But, they could not tell if he did not care about the rumors. Or if was just good at hiding his emotions.

"Captain, the rumor about you and Calix...?" one of the members finally mentioned. The others gave him a meaningful look and waited for his response.

"If they win, it won't be a rumor," Theo casually responded.

"Woah! Captain... really? You've decided? But, what if they don't win this championship?" another member spoke.

"Shh! What are you cursing nonsense! You are inviting bad luck in this match!"

"No... I'm just curious. Captain, what will it be? If the Silver Flame failed this final match? You will not pursue Calix?"

Theo's fingers stopped moving. His hands were firmly placed on his knee. After a few seconds, he raised them to fix the side of his suit and then simply replied, "Just the same."

Just the same!

There was never a condition, to begin with. He was just playing around when he told Calix about winning. Win or lose, the man would eventually be his!

His members were startled. "Captain, are you sure?"

"Yes. I've discussed the matter with our club president and the manager also joined us. It's the reason why the endorsement contracts needed to be renegotiated. And the legal team had already fixed most of the brand deals."

The booth suddenly fell into an awkward silence. The BGS members looked at one another with an anxious expressions on their faces. Some even clenched their hand and form a fist.

"T-Then, captain, you are really leaving the squad? We will disband?"

Their biggest concern was eventually blurted out. If their captain was adamant to engage in a relationship with Calix, he has to leave the club. It was but the unwritten rule of their club. A requirement that their professional players must be single.

One may think that this rule is nothing but created by a bitter company boss or perhaps discrimination of couple gamers. But, once they would find out the name of their club, such a requirement would be reasonable.

Speaking of the club name, this Bad Gamers Squad was under the Pro Gamers Single Club!

This club was really created for single gamers ever since it was founded.

Theo smiled at his members. They had been together for two years now and had been playing countless matches. He had treated them as brothers. "One day team, you will also meet the person that is worthy of your best. I have never thought that this is possible. But, after meeting Calix last year, I decided to prioritize what matters most to me. My career may be fun but it is fleeting and replaceable. And I can't afford to let go of the opportunity to have Calix."

"Captain, what's your plan next? Once you leave, are you retiring?"

"Are you going to transfer to a different club, captain?"

"Noo... I can't imagine meeting you as an opponent on the battlefield!"

"Don't be so dramatic! This is normal in our careers. One day we are allies, the next day we could be enemies. Switching clubs is only a natural occurrence. Many players had switched groups in their professional gaming careers. Nothing's new about it," Theo spoke in a passive tone.

"Right," the members forced a smile and switched their attention to the screen on the stage.

In the match, the players were finally transported to the battlefield. Calix maneuvered his fighter character to the jungle area and waited for the NPC monsters to spawn. His allies also split. The mage player took the middle lane. The tank and marksman were making their way to the top lane. Their support healer was left alone on the bottom lane.

Calix was hiding in the bush to conceal his presence while waiting for the NPC monster to spawn. It had just been 10 seconds of the countdown of the game. And this monster would appear after 30 seconds.

Just as the game duration countdown progressed, two figures suddenly emerged from the river and were moving towards him. It was the tank enemy together with its assassin sniper.

"Based on their movements, EG tank and assassin are planning to invade the jungle area of the Silver Flame. There is the fighter hiding in the bushes area though... they will clash for sure!" the first commentator stated with great certainty. Stealing buffs and invading jungles were not uncommon in the game. To level up their character, players must gain EXP, and to enhance the amount of damage from their skills, they must buy items using their gold earnings.

20 seconds duration passed and the tank and assassin sniper characters from the Extreme Gaming squad had reached closer to Calix's position. They tried to hide in the bushes too where he was already hiding.

Their skills were limited to passive attacks. But, with Calix's personality, he did not hesitate to use his available passive toward the sniper assassin.

His movement was not too swift but because of his long spear weapon, it managed to reach and hit the target. His fighter character continued to stab the assassin sniper but the tank enemy was quick to intercept him.

"Here is the aggressive gameplay, folks! Less than a minute and we are already witnessing a 1 vs 2 in the jungle area of the Silver Flame squad!" the first commentator quickly announced and maintain observing the entire map of the battlefield.

Calix was outnumbered but he was relentless. He ignored the tank enemy and chase the assassin sniper. But, with the lack of available skills to use in the early game, the two opponents managed to escape from him.

"Tsk! Those two... my farming got delayed! Tsk! Wait for me later," Calix gritted his teeth. He proceeded to roam their jungle and make a rotation of their territory.

"Captain, there are three enemies here in the bottom lane," Nate suddenly spoke. He was using the support healer character and was just clearing the lanes when he spotted the assassin sniper and tank on his left side. Meanwhile, the fighter enemy was on the right side. He had no choice but to retreat and use the tower defense to avoid clashing with them.

"I'm on my way," Calix calmly mumbled and activated his teleport ability to their bottom lane.