Baby vampire language

Michael grabbed her arm, "You're not going anywhere."

"I'd let go of my arm if I were you," Amaira warned him, but he just had to be stubborn.

She sighed, "Fine, I'll stay here, but at least give me the bottle back. I just found out my boyfriend has slept with the entire neighborhood behind my back so I really need to drown my sorrows."

The guilt rushed in so he willingly gave the bottle of whiskey back to her, but it was the biggest mistake of his life since Amaira swung it with all her might to his head a short while after, knocking him out cold.

She stooped and placed two fingers at his neck, "He's still alive...bummer." Amaira took one last mouthful of the whiskey before putting it on the table by the door and stepping outside.

Everyone returned to their respective homes, so the area that was once crowded with nosy people Amaira couldn't stand was now empty. She breathed a sigh of relief, taking in the fresh air and allowing the wind to blow gently against her face as she closed her eyes.

When she re-opened them, she immediately looked to the Stone family's residence. 'I wonder if they still need a babysitter.'

Even in her drunk state, the handsome man she saw was still weighing heavily on her mind. 'Will he be there if I go over there?' She was of course very terrified of him, especially after what she saw, but was still quite curious to know who he was and a small part of her just wanted to see him one more time.

Amaira got a restraining order against the Stone family, she wasn't allowed near any of them or their home. But her body wasn't listening to her mind that was screaming at her to stay away.

Before she could even knock or consider turning back, the door swung open and she was pulled inside the bustling household.

"The babysitter is here!" the man who pulled her in announced, before briskly moving past her to the car parked in front.

Anabel ran up to her in professional attire, "Amaira thank God you're here, I know there's a restraining order but I won't say anything to the authorities if you won't. Our babysitter bailed and we really need someone to look after Kenneth while we're away."

"Please," Anabel added giving her the puppy eyes, but little did she know, Amaira was extremely confused as to what was going on.

"You'll do it?"

Amaira hesitantly nodded, she wasn't thinking at all. She did say she's giving up everything Stone family and that she won't concern herself with them anymore, but how could she give up the free opportunity to search their house for proof that they're vampires?

'Maybe I'll even find out what happened to all the girls that enter this place.' Amaira was in a position to join those girls just by being in the house, but unlike them, she knew to be careful.

"I want fifty dollars an hour," Amaira bargained an incredibly high rate, but unexpectedly, Anabel didn't argue and suggested an even higher rate.

"How about a hundred dollars an hour? We are putting you out of your way to do this."

'What kind of idiot would say no to a hundred dollars an hour?' Amaira thought before agreeing to babysit Kenneth for a few hours.

Mrs. Stone was in a rush, so she gave Amaira a very quick and brief run-through of all the things she needed to do and where everything was. Just as she was about to leave with her husband, Victor, she reminded Amaira once more to not put her finger in Kenneth's mouth.

Amaira rolled her eyes, "I've lost count of the number of times you've told me that. I won't put my finger in Kenneth's mouth."

"Honey, we're late remember?" Victor reminded his wife and she nodded bidding Amaira farewell before rushing with him to the car.

'I wonder where they're going, they all left in fancy clothes,' Amaira thought. "Must be a vampire convention or something," she told herself while laughing.

She plopped down on the couch and narrowed her eyes at the adorable, bright-eyed baby boy seated in a bouncy baby chair. "You're a vampire baby, aren't you?"

"Goo," the baby responded shaking his tiny, chubby feet about.

Amaira hummed, "I'm gonna assume that's yes in baby vampire language." She brought his bouncy chair with her to the kitchen and placed it on the kitchen island before going inside the refrigerator.

"There are no blood bags in here, I'll take that as a very bad sign. It means they might just be the type that like their blood warm and fresh."

Amaira closed the refrigerator and leaned on it as she looked at Kenneth, "Where does your father hide the good stuff? I really want to get drunk."

She rubbed the center of her forehead shortly after while reprimanding herself for asking a little baby where the alcohol was. Her attention was then diverted when a cup fell from the counter.

Amaira stooped to take it up and that's when she saw it...Mr. Stone's secret stash of liquor! She looked back at Kenneth with wide eyes, "Did you do this? Did you show me where the liquor was?"

'I'm being ridiculous,' Amaira told herself. She believed in vampires, but it was too hard for her to believe in babies with superpowers like telekinesis.

She took one of the bottles of whiskey and a glass before sitting on one of the stools and pouring herself a drink. "It was a very good coincidence that cup fell," Amaira said to convince herself that it was what really happened.

"I want to search this place, but I'll do it once you're asleep," she told Kenneth while pouring herself another drink.

He didn't look at all sleepy, so Amaira decided to tell him a bedtime story. After much thinking about which bedroom stories she remembered, she realized that she was too drunk to think.

Her voice slurred as she spoke, "I can't think of any bedtime stories so I'll just tell you about the shitty day I had today."