Baby Kenneth

Amaira's free hand lazily moved about as she continued to narrate finally reaching the end of the sad tale of her day. "Then I find out my boyfriend has been sleeping with my entire family...even my grandma, who's not even alive."

She turned another full glass to her head before saying, "I know I haven't been the best girlfriend to him because of my crazy vampire obsession and whatever, but all he really needed to do was break up with me...not have sex with everyone I know."

Amaira looked at Kenneth who has been listening attentively to her the entire time. She smiled, "You're a very good listener and literally the only one who understands me."

She wrapped her arms around the small frame of the baby, "If you weren't baby-sized, we'd be lovers and probably run away together, somewhere where my parents would never find me."

Amaira laughed as she let go of him and poured herself another drink, "I'm so drunk." She released a small burp, "What was Anabel thinking leaving me alone with her baby? I'm such a bad influence."

She showed Kenneth the almost empty bottle of whiskey, "This is bad for you okay? Don't ever drink it."

"Crisis averted," she told herself before ditching the glass and turning the bottle at her head, emptying the remaining contents. With a sigh, she brought her head to the surface of the island and stared at Kenneth.

He looked like any other baby with his chubby cheeks, bright, wide eyes, and pouty lips, but he was most certainly a billion times cuter than any baby in the world. "Are all vampire babies as adorable as you are?"

Her question went unanswered as her eyes started to close, but she fought to keep them open. Amaira yawned, "I was telling the story so you could get sleepy, how did I end up being the sleepy one?"

It was getting increasingly hard for her to keep her eyes open as her body welcomed the sleep with loving arms. "Must. Stay. Awake," was to be her last words before she falls into a deep slumber, but a strange aroma invaded her nostrils...waking all the senses in her body.

Amaira shot up and sniffed the air, but the scent was gone as fast as it came. She looked suspiciously at baby Kenneth, "Were you doing another one of your super vampire baby tricks?"

Kenneth started coughing...literally choking on air. His eyes pooled with tears and Amaira watched in amazement and slight fright as his irises changed to at least a thousand different colors at each second.

The small baby started breathing heavily as the coughs got worse. Amaira couldn't just stand here, she had to do something...but what to do? what to do?

Water didn't help...blowing on his neck didn't help. Amaira pulled on her hair as she paced the kitchen, she could stand being called all the other names people pinned on her, but the baby killer was a title she desperately didn't want.

After washing her hands thoroughly, she went over to the choking child whose face had lost its original color and turned blue. She held his cheeks with one hand to keep his mouth open and aimed her index finger at his mouth.

"Don't worry Kenneth, I won't let anything bad happen to you."

Meanwhile, just down the street, was the car holding the rest of the members of the Stone family. They clinked glasses, celebrating the death of the only person capable of releasing Elias from the seal that confines him.

"You won't drink, Oliver?" Anabel questioned.

Oliver kept the stoic expression on his face as he took the glass of champagne offered to him. "Aren't you all celebrating a bit too early? There's no guarantee that the plan will work."

Helen chuckled, "Humans are simple creatures, Oliver, and Amaira might just be the simplest of them all. You tell them not to do something and that's exactly what they do."

She finished the yellow bubbly liquid in her glass before she continued, "That annoying bitch's heart should have stopped by now."

"She'll transition and we'll get the blame if she kills anyone," Oliver argued.

"Relax, she won't," Helen tried to convince her younger brother. "I want her to go through the pain of transitioning first, then I'll kill her myself."

"Have your drink, brother," another one of his siblings told him. "The success of today is owed to you."

"To Oliver," everyone cheered while raising their glasses.

It was his plan after all, from the was all him. He planted the idea of vampires in Amaira's head and made her so obsessed with them that she wouldn't want to stay away. When he finally got her where he wanted her, he implemented the final stage of his plan, and with his family's help...he was finally successful.

Elias' glass fell from his hand as he tightly clutched his chest groaning in agony. All eyes fell on him, wide and in panic, but there was only one person who predicted such an outcome.

After vomiting pits of blood, Elias finally said something answering the cries of his family who begged him to tell them what was going on with him.

"He's back," he forced from his pale, trembling lips. "Elias is back."

"That's impossible!"

"How could that even happen?"

Everyone was saying different things from the shock of the news, but only one family member dared to point fingers. With a firm grip on his throat, Oliver was flung from the car by a very angry Helen.

"You knew this would happen didn't you?" she immediately accused.

Oliver got up from the rubble his body caused after being flung into a wall. He dusted the debris from his black suit and stared blankly at the wide-eyed people filing out of the car one by one.

"Admit it, you asshole! You knew Elias getting even a drop of Amaira's blood would break the seal!" Helen threw a large brick that shattered on his head, "Say something!"