The White Room

Chase has never been this excited for something in his whole entire life.

He took the ladder and went down, using the help of his guide just like the rest of the doctors did as the circled floor started slowly moving down as the led closed on top of them.

Everything turned pitch black for a second before some blue UV lights started to appear as a mark of each 10 feet they go down.

At first, it was going down slowly, but soon after this, it speeded up.

Chase quickly lost count, but he is 100% sure that they were at least 2000 feet underground which is insane.

Finally after less than a minute, they made it to a white shiny hallway where they were able to see some doctors walking with virtual screen in front of them, working on something.

No tablets?

That's even better.

One of the guides walked to the front " You must be tired, we will guide every group of you to their own room. You have five hours to rest before we show you around.

" First group, Lee joon-Dae, Mariah Griffin, Daniel Miller, Scott Davis, Fatiha Aamer, Andrew McCoy." Spoke one of the guides, listing the names of the doctors who stepped forward and followed him.

Some doctors came from completely different countries just to join the SSL.

" Second group, Sarah Jones, Alexander Hernandez, Henry Jackson, Charlotte Ramirez, Chloé Halle, Stella Davis." As another guide listed six other doctors, they followed him which is why chase and his friend group were the only group left with the rest of the guides.

" The rest please follow me." Chase nodded and grabbed Noah's forearm, pulling him along, as Mia followed him with Oliver, Jack and Ethan.

As they followed the guide, the latter led them toward a white huge door that opened when he scanned his keycard.

Revealing a long white hallway, with doors on the sides and next to each door there was a keycard scanner.

" This is A-400 where the new doctors live for five years then it will be decided by the superiors if you are trustworthy enough to be transferred to either higher rooms or even an independent house on the ground in Ghost city."

Ghost city?

What a suitable name for that white secretive town on the ground.

Chase was too excited to care about where he will be living, the only thing he cares about right now, is wandering around the lab, seeing all the new devices that the doctors use and most importantly the experiments and discover why this lab is that secretive.

The quiet Oliver seemed to be the only one who felt a bit of discomfort but he just kept silent as he mostly does and followed his friends while listening to what the guide was saying " These are your keycards that allow you to enter your rooms and other spaces inside the lab."

The guide grabbed the keycards from a small drawer that appeared out of nowhere from the white wall on their right side and gave each one of them their own keycard.

They followed their guide to the room number 125, he scanned his keycard and let them in.

" Wow." "This is so huge." " So beautiful." " I like this place already."

This was what Chase's friends were saying, while he was too busy appreciating his surroundings, still unable to believe that he actually made it to the SSL and he is now standing here.

The room was so huge… Like very huge.

And that was only the first room that they found which only have four queen beds on each corner and each bed with its own nightstand, office place, dresser, bookshelf and wardrobe.

All in white and too clean.

It smells good and too clean too.

Chase walked to the other side, only to find another room, smaller than the first one and it only has two beds in each corner with the same things as the beds in the first room.

They also found a kitchen and two bathrooms.

And that was it.

" Your suitcases will be loaded to your rooms in fifteen minutes. Is there any questions?" The guide spoke again in his monotonous voice while standing like a robot next to the door.

Mia hummed, embarrassed a bit " Just a question, Am I going to stay here with the guys?"

The guide looked at her with a blank stare on his face, as if he is indirectly saying ' Dah, obviously' " Yes, doctor Watson, that's your group."

Yes, she knows that but aren't they supposed to transfer her to an all girls room or at least put another girl with her here?

" Yes, I know. Maybe transfer me to an all girls room?" She asked again, as all her friends agreed with her.

She's a girl and needs her privacy even if she's their friend, they know that many girls would not be comfortable sleeping in a room with five other guys.

" No, Ma'me every doctor has to stay with their group. I'll see what I can do if that's a big problem for you." He spoke again, only for Mia to nod " Any other questions?"

Everyone shook their head which is why the guide left.

Chase looked at everyone, smiling widely " So are we going to choose the beds or what?"

Ethan glanced at Mia " You want to share the other room with me?" Mia chuckled " Obviously." They laughed and together went to the other room that's made for two people.

Chase glanced at Jack who had pout on his face, chuckling " If you were gay like Ethan, Mia would have shared the room with you too, Jack."

Jack glared at him and chose a random bed just like how the rest did because they didn't care much about which bed they want to get.

It's just a bed and they are all the exact same thing.

" Hey, Noah?" Noah who was taking his shoes off ready to go to bed got interrupted by the quiet Oliver who whispered his name and walked to his bed " Yeah?"

Oliver looked around, hesitantly "Noah, did your dad tell you the lab was underground?" Noah shook his head " I think he didn't know that information, but it's so cool. I'm excited to see around. This place is amazing."

Noah got inside the blanket, only for Oliver to show him tight-lipped smile and pat his shoulder before walking back to his own bed mumbling " And so strange." Concerned.

Just five hours.

Only five hours.

Chase and his friends will face the most shocking events in their life and after witnessing all these sights, each one of them will regret signing up into the SSL's website.