Human and Special Creatures

Chase and his friends received their suitcases fifteen minutes after the guide left.

The first thing they all did was organize their clothes and stuff them inside their wardrobe, and after this they all gathered in Chase's space to talk because they could not contain their excitement to go around and explore the lab, but they can not because they need to wait for their guide for another two hours.

These two hours passed quicker than they could feel, since they lost the track of time as they started talking to each other.

09:00 AM.

Someone knocked on their door, before opening it, using the keycard.

It was nobody other than the guide that led them to their room earlier.

" If you are done organizing your clothes, kindly follow me. I will be your tour guide for today." Said the guide monotonously exactly how every other guide talked to them and to the other new doctors.

Chase was the first one to rush toward the guide, probably because he was the most excited one in his group.

The rest followed along, as they stepped out of their room, only to notice the other two groups following their own guides, going in a different direction.

The quiet Oliver kept looking at his surroundings, still feeling so off about this place, but he tried to forget about it when he noticed how thrilled his friends are, especially Chase.

The floor, the walls, the doors, everything is white and oddly super clean.

They walked out of the A-400 where the new doctors are supposed to live for few years to prove how trustworthy they are.

Chase's eyes were glimmering as he followed the guide toward the elevator, in the process, he was able to notice a single door in the end of one of the dark hallways.


" Excuse me, What's project 15?" Chase asked, curiously, only to receive a strange look from the guide who led them inside the elevator and clicked on the number of the floor where they are heading " You and the new doctors aren't allowed to go near Project 15 and of course you are not allowed to know what it is because you are still new."

He paused when the door of the elevator opened, letting Chase his friends out of the elevator before monotonously carrying on talking

" When you prove you are trustworthy, you will be allowed to know more about the lab's biggest projects, but for the time being, kindly respect your limits and the rules because there are punishments for breaking the lab's rules."

That put a bad taste in Chase's mouth, his guts felt strange, not in a good way at all.

He glanced at his friends, only to notice that they also felt the same just by the look on their faces.

Why would they have to make sure they are trustworthy?

They are here to experiment not to guard the country's wealth that can be stolen.

Also, why the hell would they punish them for being curious and wanting to explore more of the place where they will be staying for the rest of their life?

Wordlessly, Chase and his friends followed their guide who kept explaining what every room, floor, and hallway contain.

He even handed them a device which looked like a watch that they can of course see the time in but also click on it for a virtual screen to appear and guide them inside the lab, but it only guides them to the places that they are allowed to go to.

" So what kind of animals will we be using to experiment on?" Chase asked after he finished playing with his watch.


they are small and gentle and so easy to handle; they are relatively cheap to maintain if only basic standards are adhered to; and they breed fast, creating new test subjects quickly.


Scientists and doctors, as well as biologists have used frogs to study muscle function, perform pregnancy tests, and experiment with cloning.

Rats/ Hamsters/mice.

The laboratory rat has made invaluable contributions to cardiovascular medicine, neural regeneration, wound healing, diabetes, transplantation, behavioural studies and space motion sickness research. Rats have also been widely used to test drug efficacy and safety.

Probably one of these animals or maybe even all of them.

Mia nudged Chase's arms, pointing at one of the rooms in the lobby where they are standing.

The room's wall were made from glass, so they could see the doctors wearing protection coats, masks, glasses and gloves while mixing some liquids to watch their chemical reaction.

The guide turned to look at Chase before answering his question " In the SSL, we don't use animals for the testing or experimenting."

Confusion was everything Chase felt after hearing that answer.

" The superiors are animal lovers." Spoke the guide lastly before he continues leading the way, and showing them around.

He mostly showed them where the mini experiments are done, and showed them where they can find the gym,

also a place where they can go to if they want to have some fresh air, that place looks like a big garden.

He also showed them where the cafeteria is just in case they didn't like the food that they will receive back at their rooms and many other things for entertainment too such as cinema, gaming room, a whole library.

That was a very good thing considering the fact that they are not allowed to actually go out from the lab unless they prove they are trustworthy which probably will take forever.

Chase was still confused about what the guide said lastly.

Because this lab is so famous in the country, it's where many different cures for diseases and medications come from, so it is in fact so strange that they actually don't do animal testing.

How do they know that the medicine will work and won't kill or make the patient's condition worst?

I mean don't get Chase wrong, he does not like experimenting on animals, but there is not much of a choice when it comes to curing millions of people.

" So how will we test the medicines?" Chase asked, feeling completely lost and confused.

The guide answered him.

That answer dropped Chase's and his friends' heart, their faces paled, their color vanished, oxygen got stuck in their throats.

They even froze in the spot, unable to move. "Well, about that. Here in this lab, we don't only work to make medicines and cures. We are trying to challenge the rules of the nature. Everything that's impossible, we are trying to make it happen. As for your question, We experiment directly on humans and on some very special and interesting creatures."