Sold and Damaged

"It seems we came to an agreement, since my daughter have older brothers to take over its best for her to move to Lavinia." My father said looking at me.

"Lavinia is actually pretty cold right now, I hope your daughter can withstand cold weather." King Author said staring at me.

"Ruby, please get Anisa properly dressed. King author is a busy man, we don't want him to stop because of unpleasantries."

Just like that I was whisked away and thrown into a coat, thick white tights and a white high neck dress and graced with a large wool black cloak. My hair brushed into a high bun, I was changed into boots and basically kicked out the mansion. During the time when the maids were dressing me. I found out about a lot of interesting things. Rumors, political information and more importantly I found Anisa old diary and so much more. Everything that I thought were important I stuffed it in this bag. Looking around me, the adults stared at me like I'm some type of anomaly. I don't understand the hostility since it seems the king is very fond of my father. Even if it's more in a rude way I can see he acknowledges him, so maybe their disdain is towards my mother.

Walking towards the carriages, I smile warmly at the knights and gave them one of my warm chili filled buns the maids gave me. They instantly perked up and helped into the carriage. Not bothering to make conversation, I curl up by the window and opened the diary.

Dear Me,

It's currently February 11th and I found out that I'll be getting married. After mother disappearance father have been cruller to me than usual. You would think after getting injured he would calm down but sadly no. I don't understand why I have to Marry the same boys that gave me this ugly scar. I was suppose to be a beautiful maiden, with not a single marking. I guess that father decided to save face by having those same boys marry me. I'm honestly surprised that his highness king author allowed such a marriage. He hates me, especially sir Winfred. After I caught them kissing they been keeping an eye on me. I've faced possible death since, I've witnessed something I wasn't suppose to. I worry I'll die before my actual wedding day.

Love and care


So my assumption were correct, the king and his knight do have a secret relationship. Though that doesn't explain why I had to marry both, why not one? What do those two men benefit from marrying me off to both. As I rack my brain with possible answers, I feel a hand on my cheek. Turning my head, the Dark haired boy look at me with worry.

"My apologies, it's quiet cold in the carriage. I was worried that your body heat dropped."

My breath frothed the air, and I looking out the window. The once vibrant flowers turned grey and covered in snow. I didn't even notice the sudden change of the environmental, we got here quite fast. "What's your names? After the um....incident my memory is a bit foggy."

I don't know what incident I was in, the scar on my back seems pretty old so I don't think it's from whatever happened with that.

"Ah, that's why you tried to be friendly with us. You usually hate our guts." The blond said tsking.

"For a prince you're attitude is quite commoner like." I said before covering my mouth with the book. That came out of nowhere, does this body have its original soul in it still?

"Ha! You want to talk about commoner? Let's talk about your mother? I heard she ran away for one, is that true?"

"How am I suppose to know?!"

"Your highness! My lady! We are to be engaged, we will soon rule lands together, arguing like those will only cause our death."

Silence fell and I kiss my teeth offering my hand to the blond. "I'm for now, Anisa Delovet."

"Pyrice Kingsly." He said smirking taking my hand.

Why a child so fucking cheeky? Stupid brat.

"My name is Ossaya Raven, I'll be your soon to be my lady." He said taking my hand he kiss my knuckles.

"Over kill, he's not as nice as he's trying to portray himself. He's a wizard just like his mother." Pyrice snided.

"Your highness we will be technically husbands, I suggest you and I get along. I might take My lady and become more powerful than you. I mean. We technically aren't married until we are eighteen." Ossaya said crossing his arms.

"I'll rather die than deal with this idiotic marriage. It's completely unethical, we haven't had such a marriage since nineteen" Pyrice said frowning

Zoning the two arguing, I focused more on the frosty land ahead. The moon illuminating our path, the snow turned a cool blue. As time passed, I started noticing unfamiliar movements. They didn't look like the men that was with us. Something told me

To duck, looking at the boys that starting to get more  rough with each other. I look back to see a light coming towards us. Grabbing them, I yank them towards the ground.

"Get down!" I screamed and a flaming arrow break through the glass.

"What's going on!" Pyrice screamed,

Covering his mouth, the carriage twisted and turned before crashing. The fire getting worse, I look around trying to find a way out. Nervously, I beat at the glass window, but it wouldn't budge and the fire was growing bigger and bigger. "Fuck! I don't wanna be burned alive." I sobbed trying to get out.

"M-Move back, I think I got it." Ossaya said lifting his bloody hand a purple light explodes out his palm and the side of the carriage basically shatters. Helping the boys out, they grab me by the wrists and pull me out. Looking around, blood decorated the snow and bodies littered the once pure white snow. Grabbing Pyrice and Jamal hand we had to move.

"My father! We gotta save him!" Pyrice yelled.

"No! We barely reach the men thighs we have to go now!" Ossaya yelled trying to pull Pyrice with me. Screams and the sound of metal clashing, filled the air. My heart pounding like drums against my chest we ran into the forest, looking around, my eyes stop on a sword. Watching the boys run, I grab the sword and rush after them. Dark. We clutch onto each other.

Im the adult so I have to make sure the boys are safe.

Making slits into the trees, just in case someone has to find us, we walk upon a large tree. With a whole that's big enough for at least two I stuff the boys in. Trying to get in myself, someone grabs me by my hair and yank me back. "Here you brats are, you was trying to hid. It's a good thing I saw you." The man said boisterously as he tried to pull Pyrice out the tree.

"Leave them alone!" I screamed, but my voice fell on deaf ears. Watching the man drag the boys out the tree I look at the sword and stand up.

"I said. LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Stabbing the sword into his back the man crumbles and I rush to the boys cupping their faces.

"Are you okay Pyrice?! Ossaya are you still bleeding?" I said frantically touching their faces.

"Anise. Look out!" Ossaya screamed, trying to pull me forward

Looking back, my life flashed before my eyes. A woman stood before us with a bloody sword. Lifting it I cover the boys as the large blade struck my body. A burning sensation spread throughout my body, looking a the boys who gave us stricken with fear. They took of their cloaks as they try to stop the bleeding. Lights and yelling soon followed and the woman was arrested.

"Father! Help Anisa!" Pyrice yelled shaking my face.

Black spots filled my vision and the last thing I see were the tears of my soon too be husbands.

I died pretty early it seems.