Where Am I?

"Syri, grab me a bucket of water!" Kip called to the zeta as he led two newly-brought horses to the vacant stalls that had been prepped.

"Ae!" Syri called in reply before rushing to fetch a bucket from the back of the stables.

"Careful there, Syri," Hern cautioned the zeta as Syri rushed past the epsilon who had two steeds by the bridle. "Ae, Hern Inso. My apologies!" Syri returned quickly before continuing to his destination.

The stables were extremely lively as the arrival of the guests had begun. Syri gave a heave as he dipped the bucket into the trough of water and brought it down to swing by his side before hurrying back down the hall. The zeta turned into the corridor down which Kip was stabling a horse only to side-step Bevy who was rushing to the front to tend to another arriving guest.

"Thanks, Syri," Kip said to the zeta as Syri set the bucket in front of the horse to which the beta was currently tending. "Could you go help Bevy at the front?"

"Ae, call if you need anything," Syri replied to the beta before turning and exiting the stall. Syri reached the entrance to the stables to see Bevy hard at work. The alpha smiled at the zeta as Syri came to stand next to her.

"Syri, could you begin recording the guests' names and their steeds? We need records of everything to make sure there is no mix-up when they come to pick up their steed."

"Ae, Inna," Syri promptly answered as the alpha pointed to a thick, leather-bound book next to a pen and ink set. "Use that. You know how to write, right?" Bevy inquired when the zeta started toward the book.

"Ae," Syri replied, much to the alpha's relief. "Good. You record them, and I will bring them inside and hand them off to be stabled," Bevy broke down the process by which they would operate. "Let's get to work, then." With that, the alpha and zeta began the tedious process of cataloguing the steeds and their owners before sending the steed to be stalled.


The man sat up with a gasp, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his royal blue eyes frantically scanned his surroundings. He brought his hand up to his head as it pounded with pain. 'It happened again. Where am I?' Kace turned his head to find himself lying on the stone ground in a hall in the castle.

The dark-blue-haired was quick to stand to his feet as approaching footsteps sounded from roughly fifty feet behind him. Kace immediately started down the direction opposite the footsteps and pulled the hood of his jacket over his head. The man quickened his pace until he rounded a corner and nearly ran into a gamma carrying a stack of papers. Pages went flying as the gamma recovered from the startle before immediately crouching down to collect the sheets.

Kace bowed to the gamma in apology before continuing on his way only to be stopped by the gamma calling his name. "Kace? Is that you?" The blue-eyed stopped in his tracks; he recognized the voice. The gamma stood to his feet as the hooded man turned to face him. Estan let out a breath when he saw his friend. However, he furrowed his brows when he observed the man's expression beneath the hood. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Estan inquired as he approached his friend.

Kace's eyes turned to the ground, and he gave a short nod. Estan wondered what the blue-eyed was doing in the castle. Kace preferred to avoid the palace and remained alone after the events that had occurred some months back. "Do you want me to run a chek-up?" Estan was cautious in asking the blue-haired about his health as he knew Kace was sensitive about medical exams and tests.

Kace responded with a quick shake of his head. "Okay," Estan returned as he looked his friend over once more to make sure there were no visible wounds or lacerations. "Let me know if you need anything. You are always welcome to stop by," the gamma offered sweetly. Kace nodded in thanks before stooping down and collecting the remaining fallen sheets of paper.

"Thank you," Estan thanked the blue-eyed as he accepted the stack of paper. Kace backed away from the gamma a few paces before giving a short bow and turning on his heel. The hooded man's pace was swift as he searched for an exit to the expansive palace. Estan watched the man leave before turning around and continuing his way to his office. 'Something's not right. Why would Kace be in the castle? I hope he is okay...'