One Down, Seven To Go

The aura radiating off the true blood was dark and solemn as the prince stood before the mirror in the bathing room of his private chamber. The prince was dressed in a silvery blue, silken shirt that was tucked into a pair of black pants. Black, leather boots adorned the prince's feet, and a silver crownlet was placed atop his head. Jae released a slow breath before turning from the mirror and entering the bedroom. The prince crossed over to the door and exited his chambers to find an array of assistants and advisers waiting in the corridor.

The eight assistants and advisers bowed upon Jae's entry to the hallway and greeted the prince respectfully. "Prince, we are to accompany and inform you of each royal member's identity and purpose at this week's convention," a man, who had stepped forward, explained.

"Very well," Jae agreed. The prince was not the biggest fan of the idea of eight people keeping tabs on who he talked to and where he went every waking moment, but there was not much he could do as every royal member was appointed a herd of assistants and advisers for conventions. "What is my schedule for today?"

Upon the prince's question, the head assistant pulled a journal from the inner pocket of his coat and read, "You are to greet the arriving members of the guest packs, then you shall join the alphas and lunas for the welcoming banquet where everyone shall gather and mingle for the night."

'And by mingle, you mean meet the applicable sons and daughters of the packs.' Jae let out a short nod in response to the reading of his schedule before saying, "Let's get started."

"Ae," the man returned with a low bow before gesturing down the hall. "After you, my prince." Jae remained silent as he started down the corridor. The array of assistants were quick to follow. The sounds of the nine's footsteps echoed through the hall as the prince and his group made their way toward the entrance to the castle.

The entry hall to the castle was bustling with servants coming and going with their masters' luggage when the prince arrived. "The first to arrive was White Fang," Jae's head assistant informed the prince quietly as Jae approached the small crowd of people. Armina was already present and was ushering the guests inside where they would then be showed to their rooms. The Luna gave her son a swift smile in greeting before turning to welcome the Luna of White Fang.

The Beta and Gamma of each pack accompanied the Alpha and Luna as the convention would cover future policies and treaties that would affect the entirety of each pack of the eastern region. The Beta and Gamma of Crimson Night were also present and greeting guests. Upon noticing the arrival of the prince, the Gamma of Crimson Night approached the true blood and greeted, "Prince it is good to see you!" Jae nodded at the Gamma in greeting before the man continued, "Do you happen to know where Kace is? He was supposed to assist in greeting the packs."

The true blood's eyes narrowed at the man's inquiry. "I do not know the whereabouts of your son, Gamma. However, I believe there is sound reasoning for Kace to not be in the castle." Jae's voice was firm as he answered the Gamma. 'As his father, you should be the first to support Kace's decision to avoid the castle. You know what my father has done to him.'

"Ah, of course. I am sorry to have bothered you, Prince," Kace's father said hurriedly before quickly bowing and retreating from the visibly upset true blood while mumbling under his breath, "That unfilial child of mine."

Jae flit his eyes over the small crowd to see the arriving members of White Fang mingling with the servants and workers, the Luna and Yehwa greeting the arrivers, and Yejin aiding his father, the Beta, in greeting the Beta from White Fang. Yejin was engaged in conversation with the Beta's son while his father spoke with the Beta. Jae recognized the Beta's son from times when he and his father would visit White Fang, but he did not know him as well as Yejin did. The two Betas always pushed for their sons to grow familiar with each other as they would one day be the Betas of their packs and would be making policies and treaties together just as their fathers have done for years.

Noticing the princess from White Fang standing by herself quietly, Jae decided to make her his first target of the day. The several assistants followed the prince in approaching the light-silver-haired omega who turned to face the true blood with round, light green eyes and a soft smile. "You must be the prince," the female greeted. Her voice was quiet and gentle, and her long hair flowed in the steady breeze that blew into the castle from the opened doors.

"That I am. You must be Freyah," Jae responded politely.

"Ae," the omega answered with a gentle nod of her head.

"I trust your journey was smooth?" Jae inquired to begin the pleasantries that were an unspoken requirement upon meeting another royal.

"Ae, it was. I trust the preparations for the convention went well?" Freyah returned.

"Ae, very well."

"I have to thank you and your pack for hosting this meeting. It could not have been easy."

"You would have to thank my mother for that," Jae responded with a slight gesture to the Luna who was entertaining the Alpha and Luna of White Fang. "She is the one who put all this together."

"I see," Freyah returned as he gaze moved to the Luna. "I shall have to thank her in person."

"Indeed." A moment of silence passed before Jae decided it was time to send this princess off. "Well, let me call someone over to show you to your room. You must be tired from the travel." Without another word, the prince called over one of his assistants and ordered her to show the princess to her quarters. The assistant bowed before greeting the princess and asking Freyah to follow her.

"It was nice to meet you, Prince," Freyah said to the true blood with a short curtesy.

"Ah, yes. You as well."

"I shall see you at the banquet," the princess said as she began following the assistant. Jae inclined his head in farewell before turning to see Armina sending the Alpha and Luna to their room. The prince turned to see his remaining assistants still standing behind him silently taking mental notes while awaiting orders. 'One down, seven to go.'