Have sex with me!

"Yes, I really am the one you're talking about." - If earlier there was a one-in-a-million chance that the clans were just similar, now that Yang Ming had confirmed everything, for the men in scarlet clothing, all hope had evaporated.


The people in the scarlet robes froze for a few seconds before falling to their knees, now they felt a great sense of fear and trembling. They understood how people in the higher realm did business, one wrong word and you'd think the whole family would be exterminated, in some cases even the whole family tree would be extinguished to not leave any loose ends.

Now they were praying to themselves that this man would let them go, a few minutes ago they still wanted to take the treasure but now what did they care about it, it was a matter of life and death. One word from Yang Mina could decide whether they would live or die.

"Sir, this unworthy man has previously insulted you, so I hope you will be magnanimous and not get your hands dirty in the blood of these worms, I beg you to forgive me." - The man in scarlet clothes, who first expressed his displeasure now deeply regretted, now he wanted as soon as possible to leave not only this place but also the lower kingdom, although in the higher realms he was considered a very weak individual, there weren't many deadly threats, you can even say that it was possible to lead a very leisurely life in higher realms.

It seemed that he was not the only one who started begging for mercy, all three of them started screaming as if they were in a "who will shout out who" or "whose flattery will be better" contest.

A few minutes ago they had smugness and arrogance plastered on their faces, but now they looked like sheep before which a hungry wolf had appeared.

The quote "might makes right" is quite appropriate in this case.

Yang Ming slightly sighed as listened to their pleas, he just wanted to slightly scare them, but the situation was completely out of control, perhaps he expected at least some disobedience, but people as usual hearing the name Yang, silently dropped to their knees in fear and begged for mercy.

He was completely fed up with such reactions from people, what happened in the higher realm would be repeated here if they bowed their heads to him and trembled in fear before his name. Perhaps he would feel nothing, taking it for granted, but they would bow their heads in fear, not of his name, but of the Yang clan.

"Again the same thing, if I had known it would happen, I would've long ago gone out, not wasting time on nonsense," - sighed Yang Ming.

"You can go now." - Without even looking at the men in scarlet, Yang Ming said, as if to point out that he did not want to get his hands dirty in their blood.

"Thank you, sir, for sparing our miserable lives."

"Thank you, sir."

A few minutes ago they were desperate, but now there was only trepidation in their hearts; after thanking him a few more times, they left the place as quickly as possible without looking back, for everything could have changed in a span of mere seconds.

Once their shadows could not be seen, Yang Ming moved on to the main course for today.

"Do you have the treasure?" - Yang Ming directly asked while looking at the girl, he didn't want to waste any more time meaninglessly, wishing he had done so earlier.

The tears on her face as well as the sadness in her eyes instantly disappeared, it seemed as if she never cried, for a moment Yang Ming wondered if she was deceiving him.

"Do you want it?" - The girl approached Yang Ming, stood a couple of meters away, looking fearlessly into his eyes.

"Ohh?" - Yang Ming's eyebrows twitched slightly, and his face blurred into a satisfied smile.

"If you want it, then sleep with me, or I'll destroy it!" - The girl went straight to the main topic of conversation, showing a gold ring on her finger with a strange engraving.

"Huh?" - Yang Ming was completely stunned by what the girl said. He had expected something completely different. The girl could have calmly handed him the treasure or tried to keep it for herself by using force, but she said something that was beyond Yang Ming's imagination.

Yang Ming felt his throat go dry when he heard her words, he even thought he misheard her until she repeated the same words again.

'Who is she?'

Yang Ming did not know her name or origin at all, he also tried to remember her, perhaps he had met her somewhere, or maybe she was his ardent admirer?

Reflecting on this, Yang Ming thought it was true.

High background, talent that appeared only once in a millennium, beautiful appearance, maybe she was in love with him.

Or maybe she wanted to get pregnant with him and later join Yang's family by becoming his wife. Perhaps she just wanted a child with Yang Ming's talents, pedigree, and looks, Yang Ming chuckled slightly when he thought about it.

Indeed, it was not the first time that a beautiful woman asked to sleep with him or conceive a child without asking him to take any responsibility for it. It was quite common to see such women everywhere in the high realm for Yang Ming.

Not to mention the common, even talented or girls of high status constantly asked Yang Ming about it.

Yang Ming felt that he guessed the girl's thoughts by her worried face, she seemed to think that the treasure would not benefit her as much as a connection with Yang Ming, or more specifically Yang's.

"But, why do I feel that something is wrong" - thought Yang Ming.

Ignoring this feeling, Yang Ming decided that sleeping with such a beautiful woman and getting the treasure without much effort was quite a tempting offer. Few people would refuse, so he decided to do so as well, the treasure and as a bonus the girl's body.

"Okay, I agree, when do we start?"

"Now, I have a room in town that I rented from a hotel before I started fighting these freaks." - The girl snorted. - "Uncle stay in town, I'll find you."

Yang Ming didn't want to waste any more time on any explanations or her saying goodbye to her uncle, so he just grabbed her by the waist and flew to Moon City.


While at the hotel in Luna City, Yang Ming had already begun to ogle the girl's body.

"What's your name?" - It would be strange to have sex with a girl without knowing her name, although Yang Ming was not interested in the girl's true identity, he decided to at least know her name.

"Shui Han Yin, don't worry it's real." - Said the girl removing the veil from her face.

Looking at her face without the veil, Yang Ming slowed down slightly. She possessed truly magnificent facial features. Her sickle-shaped eyebrows and misty and slightly cold eyes, which stared at him without tearing off, had the ability to captivate his soul. She had a faint smile, and the pale pink of her lips was gentler and more beautiful than a blooming flower. She possessed an irresistible charm.

Her white skin seemed to give off a holy splendor. But not only did her face look enchanting, she had a slender figure that was one in tens of thousands if not a million, her whole body seemed to emit a charm, a charm capable of tormenting the soul. She was like a succubus who had been sent to bewitch Yang Ming.

Yang Ming simply watched her from a short distance, but in that moment he was more fascinated than ever. The fierce flame in his heart was beginning to get out of control.


Cultivation levels: Lower realm.

Initial Ascension(1) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Earth Ascension (2) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Heavenly ascension (3) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Mortal ascension(4) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.