Lilith is the Queen of Succubi.

An hour passed... two... four... six...

At one point, Yang Ming realized: he couldn't stop having sex with Shui Han Yin. All his attempts to stop failed.

If his thoughts were only a little fuzzy, his body was completely in chaos: he couldn't muster a speck of energy; he seemed to have become a puppet capable only of having sex.

Immediately Yang Ming panicked, he could not move his body or even say anything, continuing to move his hips by inertia.

And then it was as if Shui Han Yin sensed that Yang Ming was panicking. So he guessed that he couldn't get out of her net. Suddenly she changed her position, saddled on top.

She grabbed Yang Ming's head with both hands, lifted it slightly and their eyes met: the previous, lustful look was replaced by a new one, a look of an incomprehensible person.

With a grin on her face, it was as if she had dropped her mask again.

Instead of a loving look, he saw a look of utter madness on her face. It reminded him of a spider with a victim in its web with no chance of survival.

"You must be surprised. Can't figure out what's going on?"

She no longer needed to play the part of the innocent girl, she scoffed, asking questions, realizing that he could only look her in the eye and only because she was holding his head.

"Guess who I am?"

Seeing Yang Ming's incomprehensible look, she shrugged, while a slightly sinister light flashed in her eyes:

"You really can't remember?" - Again she asked something that Yang Ming could neither remember nor answer.



She grabbed him by the neck and threw him off the bed, striking him several times in the head until his face was completely covered in blood.

"You must be mad! Do you know how long I waited for this? How much effort I put into capturing this girl's soul. And how long I had to wait for you to show up again! Tell me, was it pleasant for you to seal me up?!" - she screamed as she continued to thrust his head into the floor. - "Bastard, you sealed me away for hundreds of thousands of years and left me to rot all alone! But imagine, I found out I could get a girl's soul by sacrificing more than half my lifeforce."

*Bam! Bam! Bam!*

While still conscious, Yang Ming could clearly hear everything Shui Han Yin said, but he couldn't understand what she was talking about at all; she seemed to be delirious.

"When I took possession of this soul, from the lower realm, I tried to track you down, but I couldn't. Imagine how angry I was at that moment, and after I suddenly felt that you appeared here, here in the lower realm, where I could have killed you in peace!"

"I've been tracking you the whole time. Do you think that when you were hiding and watching that fight, you couldn't be sensed? Have you got dumb? The whole fight you were watching was a spectacle! Specially created for you, ah! Let me make it clearer to you: it was my illusion; everything that happened did not exist. It was just you and me. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. - she kept stabbing all over Yang Ming's body, telling him about her real goal."

"Ohh how arrogant you were then, the family you were talking about - Ah, the Yang family, that's right. When you pressed my pawns into illusion, you must have been happy that they were on their knees begging for mercy. But! You've changed, really changed, you weren't like that at all before. Using your family's influence you wanted to take the treasure for yourself, at that moment I almost laughed."

As this woman recalled the event, Yang Ming's eyes burned with hatred: everything he had thought up to that point turned out to be a complete lie.

"Is the treasure a fake?" - unconsciously Yang Ming asked hoarsely something he had never even considered before.

Shui Han Yin was slightly surprised and curved the corners of her lips upwards, although it is unknown whether it was a smile.

"Ha-ha-ha, fake? Yeah, looks like you didn't completely become an idiot. That was the bait to catch you, darling! Though you are a little different from yourself in the past, habits remain habits: just as in the past, it's as if you were obsessed with finding treasure and artifacts. I knew it, and it was easy to take advantage of that." - she explained. - "And then everything went too smoothly, you didn't care about that poor girl's body from the beginning. All you thought about at that moment was how to get the treasure in your hands. At that moment I knew, now was my chance. I decided to take that once-in-a-lifetime chance. I put the trinket on my finger and passed it off as a precious treasure, you should have seen your face, Yang Ming!"

"Not only did you believe it was real, but you didn't even check to see if it was real! Ha-ha-ha, I still can't believe how dumb you've become, ha-ha-ha-ha."

"Everything was going perfectly, and when you were completely relaxed, I struck a moral blow to you by offering to have sex with you. And you! You actually agreed to it !!! I wondered what you thought of me at that moment."

"I... I thought you were one of my groupies. - Yang Ming wheezed out, coughing blood."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha, not only are you a naive fool, but you're also a vain bastard!" - Shui Han Yin grinned. - "The moment you accepted my proposal, do you know how happy I was? I thought you guessed who I was. But you! You just wanted to fuck me! And the moment we walked into that room, I was stunned that it was that simple. You probably thought then that I was shy and naive. Oh, God, how pathetic you've become!" - She went on and on relentlessly. - "But it disgusts me! I'm not only disgusted to see you, I'm disgusted by even thinking of you. You have no idea what it cost me to have sex with you. Imagine, I hate you so much that just thinking about it makes me sick. I want to cut you into a thousand pieces, make a bowl out of your skull that I can drink from, remembering how pathetic you were. And that's the kind of piece of garbage I had to fuck with."

"It was the hardest choice I ever had to make, but I agreed to have sex with you! Even though it's not my real body, but the woman I'm using now, I'm still disgusted. This woman named Shui Han Yin won't even remember what happened after you pay for what you did, and I'll go back. But remember! One day I'll break the seal and find you again to kill you!"

Her whole face seemed to distort as she smiled, soon after which most of her face was completely gone, leaving only tar-black eyes and huge fangs.

"Honey." - she called sarcastically. - "remember, the one who killed you was Lilith, the Succubus Queen. I hope we meet again soon!"



Cultivation levels: Lower realm.

Initial Ascension(1) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Earth Ascension (2) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Heavenly ascension (3) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Mortal ascension(4) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.