Shui Han Yin’s Suspicions

Yang Ming wanted to sigh, life in the cultivation world was indeed not easy.

"Although...who am I kidding?"

"My life is like a tragic comedy," Yang Ming grinned.

It seemed to him as if heaven itself wanted to kill him, that the first life had been so damn hard and that the second had been in hardcore mode from the start.

If Yang Ming wanted to live a little longer than he was destined to; he would have to work hard. He knew it was almost impossible to survive. He's not an optimist in these situations; you always have to take "What if?" into consideration. So even now he was in his pessimist mode.

Sooner or later a new hero would emerge anyway. He knew he could kill dozens, hundreds, thousands of heroes-but it was impossible to kill them all. If he missed even one, he would somehow come back to decapitate Yang Ming.

He completely ignored Shui Han Yin outside the door. Instead of talking to her, he sat down on the bed; he needed to think about the next steps, with several small or big problems weighing on his head.

The first, and the most important problem at the moment was a woman, namely Lilith, the Succubus Queen. After he recalled all the minute details of the dialogue, a chill seemed to run down his spine.

Apparently, Lilith hated him and wanted to make a bowl out of his skull. Just imagining it made his throat go dry. Yang Ming decided to avoid her for as long as he could. The longer the better.

Yang Ming found out from the conversation that Lilith was under some kind of seal, which was the silver lining of this event. But as soon as she breaks out of the seal, he will be fucked.

He saw in his memories the fury of Lilith, she gave up almost half of her lifeforce just to control a woman's soul, for a limited period of time, just to kill him. The chance that she is out of her mind is very low, and Yang Ming himself did not believe it at all.

Unlike Lilith, who at the beginning thought that she mistook him for someone else, he thought differently. She knew him for sure; it was impossible for Lilith to be so wrong. That meant one thing, there was something else, something that even the past Yang Ming did not know. Perhaps he was the reincarnation of a powerful man who had fought Lilith and after victory, he had sealed her. There were many possibilities swirling around in Yang Ming's mind, as if it were a puzzle that had to be put together correctly.

But since Lilith wasn't around at the moment, the question could be postponed for now, not like he wanted her to be here. The second problem, like the first, had to do with a woman, not Lilith of course, but Shui Han Yin.

If Yang Ming would have to describe her, he would have thought she was a double-edged sword, on the one hand she could be used to gain a huge amount of points and on the other it was still unclear if she was under influence of Lilith.

If that was the case, Yang Ming knew what would happen. Lilith doesn't know that after she killed the original Yang Ming, he took his place. He was supposed to be dead, but now things are different. Just imagining how angry she would be when she found out he was alive, Yang Ming's lips curved into a mad smile, almost distorting his entire face.

"Shui Han Yin, what should I do with her?" It was a difficult decision. A decision that could affect his future, there were three options on how to proceed.

The first choice was to devour her. The second was to ignore her, that is, not try to contact her at all, and the third was to keep her with me while making the best use out of her.

Yang Ming thought about it for a long, long time. And in the end, he decided to take his time, look around, and act according to the situation.

The third problem was the least urgent of all, and didn't need to be solved right away, because it might not kill him, but the sooner he could figure it out, the safer his situation would become. What was the problem?

Of course, it was Yang Ming's past identity, Lilith knew exactly who he really was in the past. He regretted not asking the right questions at the time, he only asked for some irrelevant nonsense. It would be very difficult to find out, but since it was not urgent, Yang Ming decided not to dwell on it, but to put the question in the back of his mind and prioritize the pressing matters.


While Yang Ming was pondering his next steps, Shui Han Yin was still in his courtyard. She was completely distracted by what was happening today. Even though she said "It's you!" she didn't mean that she was familiar with him, no she didn't know him, but she had seen him several times.

It was strange that an ordinary girl from an unremarkable clan could see such a man as Yang Ming. But she had no doubts about it.

"It was definitely him!" she whispered in a low voice, still standing at the door, while the tips of her ears flushed slightly.

Just today she had a strange dream in which she saw a dazzling man, he was the man who had saved her in her dream, but the dream she had was disjointed, some parts she remembered while most she could not remember.

The dream was completely different from the others she had dreamt, it was very similar to reality, for a moment Shui Han Yin wondered if it was true. But she knew, a dream is a dream, even though she wanted to believe it, she knew that it was really just her imagination.

Although the dream was precipitous in some parts, still she could clearly remember the way he saved her, and afterwards the hot sex with him. Just remembering that, her face turned completely red, while she felt a slight tingling sensation in her lower body.

It really seemed like a dream, but today she got two confirmations that maybe the dream she had was actually true.

First of all, the man about whom she dreamed about was not a figment of her imagination but real, he looked the same, and also his name was exactly the same as the man in the dream.

Secondly, she just found out today that she was no longer a virgin, it was very strange, she had never really had any contact with the opposite sex, and then she fell asleep in her room still a virgin and woke up having lost her innocence.

The moment she found out she had lost her virginity in an absurd dream, she panicked and then cried. She was saving it for her wedding day, when she would become a wife and the man she had chosen would be her husband.

But all was lost, and as she thought, it was Yang Ming who was to blame. She didn't know exactly what had happened in the dream, but she could tell he was the man who had taken her first kiss and the most precious thing of all, her virginity.

Shui Han Yin's questions were really many, but things didn't go as she expected, the first time she saw him, she noticed his stunned expression, and after it began to slowly darken, it was clear that meeting her again, he was not at all happy and on the contrary seemed to be very upset.


Cultivation levels: Lower realm.

Initial Ascension(1) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Earth Ascension (2) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Heavenly ascension (3) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Mortal ascension(4) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.