Watching in the Shadows

When Bai Lin first saw a shadow that looked like a woman, he was puzzled: why was some girl in Yang Ming's yard at night? And after he got as close as possible, he recognized to whom the figure belonged.

Even in his worst dreams he could not imagine that this woman would be Shui Han Yin. He didn't understand what was going on here and why his fiancée was in another man's yard at night.

His eyes turned red, and jealousy began to grow in his heart. He reassured himself, constantly repeating in his head that it was her father's fault. Bai Lin clenched his hands and swore to himself that now he would not try to prove that he was worthy of Shui Han Yin, but simply make him regret it.

He thought that if he wanted to cripple her father, the patriarch , Shui Han Yin would definitely take his side and support him. It couldn't be otherwise, he thought.

But still Bai Lin did not step out of the shadows, but only silently watched and clenched his fists. Only a moment passed and he saw Shui Han Yin knocking on the door several times, shortly after that he saw a man.

"That's him!" - gritting his teeth, Bai Lin muttered.

He saw a handsome man, many times more handsome than himself. But what was more palpable was his imposing aura. Even in the shadows he felt as if a mountain was pressing against him, against which he went with his bare hands.


Bai Lin felt terrible. He felt a terror he had never encountered before; for a split second he thought that if he went against it, he would die instantly. But since it was only a fleeting thought, it soon disappeared.

And in that moment, he watched the strange situation that unfolded before his eyes: that man, who is almost considered a god, felt terror. Bai Lin saw Yang Ming's face grow darker and his body trembled slightly, and then he closed the door with a slam, separating him and Shui Han Yin's room.

"It was very strange."

Bai Lin rubbed his eyes several times, thinking that his eyes were deceiving. He couldn't find the words to describe what was happening. He was so shocked that he didn't even notice when Shui Han Yin shouted out: "It's you!"

If he had heard her words, he would have realized: Shui Han Yin knows this man. Alas, he didn't notice and was now staring dumbly into the courtyard, he was already wondering himself: why was he having such a reaction?

He saw Shui Han Yin staring silently at the door; she seemed shocked, too. Since he wasn't too close, he couldn't see that the tips of Shui Han Yin's ears were flushed. He thought that she was probably about to leave Yang Ming's court now and tell the patriarch what had happened. But too bad it didn't come true, Bai Lin didn't expect such a thing.

She stood by the door for a few minutes: perhaps she was thinking about something. But after she turned around, Bai Lin noticed her expression and was stunned.

Ever since he was a child, Bai Lin had always secretly watched Shui Han Yin. At first he was interested in her because he knew they would marry when they grew up, but as he grew older, Bai Lin was revealed to be a complete trash with no chance for a bright future. All of his dreams were falling apart. Even though the marriage contract still existed, he discouraged himself and could not approach or talk to Shui Han Yin, and as a result could only secretly watch her.

Just as Bai Lin was changing as she grew older, she gradually became more and more beautiful and talented, but also cold. One rarely could see her smile, but when she did, it was only with her mother, she had never smiled at anyone else up to that point. Bai Lin was relieved back then, reassuring himself that only he could receive Shui Han Yin's smile. But now, his world was slowly beginning to crumble.

He noticed how brightly she smiled, and there was a gleam in her eyes. And what shocked Bai Lin was her face, even in his wildest dreams he could not imagine that Shui Han Yin could blush.

Her face was flushed with a beautiful pink. Strangely enough, Yang Ming didn't even say a word, just slammed the door, and Shui Han Yin blushed at that moment.

"Is it because of his appearance?" - Bai Lin murmured under his nose with a frown.

He thought it was impossible. Shui Han Yin only loves him, there was no way she could like Yang Ming's looks. Even though he thought so, the seeds of doubt began to slowly emerge.

He stopped himself in his attempt to approach her and continued to watch in the shadows. After she turned around, Shui Han Yin did not leave Yang Ming's courtyard, but sat down near the entrance to the room and waited silently for Yang Ming to come out.

He even heard her mutter that she would wait until he came out. At that moment, Bai Lin felt furious in his heart: the girl he was going to marry very soon was trying to enter a stranger's room and was even blushing because of his appearance. But what completely knocked him out was Shui Han Yin, who saw how the man rejected her and tried to ignore her existence. Yet instead of leaving, she was left waiting for Yang Ming to leave the room again.

No longer trying to restrain himself, Bai Lin began to let out his rage, cursing Yang Ming and the patriarch for dragging Shui Han Yin into their games. Slowly approaching her figure, he sighed, trying to be calmer, constantly repeating to himself that it wasn't her fault, she was only forced.

Shui Han Yin seemed to sense his presence. She silently raised her head and stared at Bai Lin, her face, which had been red before, became the usual one. Instead of the surprised or joyful expression that Bai Lin had expected to see, she had a cold expression on her face. There didn't seem to be a bit of joy in her eyes, just coldness.

Bai Lin was slightly surprised by her expression, but then he coughed slightly, trying to strike up a conversation. However, before he could say anything, first he heard Shui Han Yin's cold voice.

"What are you doing here?"

Bai Lin was taken aback, for a while... Wasn't he the one who had to ask why Shui Han Yin was here?

"I was looking for you, we need to talk."

He could not say that he had been in the shadows the whole time, watching her. Though he didn't tell the whole story, he told the truth: he was looking for her just to talk.

"I understand, you can go. Don't bother me and Yang Ming" Shui Han Yin said coldly.

She didn't want to be around this man for a second; she had always been kind to absolutely anyone but Bai Lin. She hated him with all her heart!


Cultivation levels: Lower realm.

Initial Ascension(1) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Earth Ascension (2) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Heavenly ascension (3) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Mortal ascension(4) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.