What is the hero hiding?

Bai Lin froze abruptly, he felt like his head was spinning in confusion. He could not believe what Shui Han Yin had said.

"I see, you can go. Don't bother me and Yang Ming" Shui Han Yin's phrase was still repeating in his mind, but Bai Lin himself was in a state of denial.

He thought he was just hearing things, because it shouldn't be that way. It's impossible, he repeated.

Shui Han Yin gave him a cold look afterwards, then she stopped paying attention to Bai Lin, silently gazing at the night sky. But even though she stopped paying attention, Shui Han Yin moved a few meters away from him because she only felt disgust at being near him.

Several minutes seemed to have passed, and Bai Lin still stood motionless like a statue. After ten minutes, his body started to react, first he trembled slightly, and then his eyes filled with rage.

Afterwards, he gradually began to come to his senses. But even so, even with what Shui Han Yin had said, he was absolutely certain that she was lying.

"She was forced by those two bastards!" - cursing himself for his weakness, Bai Lin contemplated.

But even if he thought so, he felt there was something wrong here.

"Why are you avoiding me?" - Bai Lin approached him and asked.

Bai Lin completely ignored her words, considering them a misunderstanding.

"Ha!" grinned Shui Han Yin. - "It's just your appearance that makes me sick, get out of here!"

Shui Han Yin really wasn't lying, she felt disgusted being around Bai Lin.

Her hatred for him began when she was a child. In the world of cultivators, the women will always be behind the men; you could say the man is the alpha and the woman is the beta. Therefore, a woman can never be in charge unless she has enough power to shut everyone up.

But, alas, Shui Han Yin did not possess strength like that. Even before she was born, her future was predetermined. Of course, this future was not her destiny, but the decision of her father, the patriarch of the Shui clan. Because he had made a promise to his, you might say, friend, she had to marry the future patriarch of the clan; no matter how much effort she made, it was all for naught. She was bound to marry him no matter what.

Of course, it was not Shui Han Yin herself who considered breaking off the engagement, but her mother, the patriarch's wife. She was the one who persuaded Shui Han Yin. She did not want her daughter to share her mother's fate, but the conversation did not work out from the very beginning. No matter how much effort she made, the patriarch was not going to break off the engagement with Bai Lin.

So Shui Han Yin's mother had to put up with it; she thought that her daughter would now have to share the same fate as herself. But it turned out to be even worse than she could have guessed: even though her marriage was also imposed, she didn't complain about it. All because her husband was the patriarch of the clan.

It is true that she did not marry him out of love, but even so he was a worthy husband, he had power and influence, he had the whole clan in his hands, and yet her daughter was not at all lucky, she was marrying a man with a bleak future. He turned out to be complete garbage.

Shui Han Yin didn't care if he was strong or not, marriage was already a done deal. She had been told constantly since childhood that she could not marry anyone but Bai Lin, so she wondered what the man looked like.

Of course, that was even before he turned out to be complete trash. When their first meeting took place, Shui Han Yin was impressed: he turned out to be quite a bright boy in comparison to the others, but the more often she saw him, the more she noticed his changes.

The bright eyes that burned with motivation all the time now looked as if they had been extinguished. He seemed like a complete puppet in comparison to what he had been before. Shui Han Yin wanted to find out the reason for his abrupt change, so she decided to approach him and find out what was wrong.

But a shock awaited her. Instead of talking to her or even looking at her, he completely ignored her. He didn't seem to notice her at all; she tried to get his attention, but it was of no use. He just glanced at her lightly, and then walked away.

Only a few years later did she understand the reason for his depression. If as a child he was considered a genius and the next patriarch of the Shui clan, now he was ordinary trash with no hope for the future.

If she had been angry with Bai Lin before because he constantly avoided her, now her hatred was gone. She thought she was a fool for not being able to find this out sooner, so she went to his courtyard to try to talk to Bai Lin.

She had been busy all day and only managed to free herself in the evening. As she approached his yard, she heard strange moans, but she didn't give it much thought. At first she wanted to knock on the door, but it wasn't completely closed, resulting in a small gap.

As they say, curiosity killed the cat: she couldn't help but look inside - and what she saw there rendered her speechless. She was too shocked by what Bai Lin was up to.

She knew that he could no longer cultivate by the usual method, but Bai Lin seemed to have invented a new way of training, or so it seemed, and that method turned out to be "dual cultivation".

There were many ways to cultivate in the lower world, but the most popular path was considered ordinary cultivation. This included: meditation, pills, artifacts, and many other things, all of which were considered regular cultivation. As the ancestors cultivated, so they cultivate now.

In addition to ordinary cultivation, there was another way of cultivation, it was called "dual cultivation". Men were considered Yang, and women were considered Yin. And when they cultivated together, their level of cultivation grew at the same time.

But paired cultivation could only be practiced in pairs, such as a man and a woman. To elaborate, dual cultivation implies sex between a man and a woman, so although it is quite simple, many people avoided it.

There were many flaws: for example, both involved in cultivation had to be on the same level of cultivation, otherwise one of the parties wouldn't get the same benefits or if the difference was too much one could explode. But the main problem was the necessary change of partners.

They had to be changed constantly, and since there were few of them, the practitioner had to find sects focused on dual cultivation, but not everyone liked it, because practically all the women in the sect were obliged to cultivate with the patriarch, for example. And not every man liked it when his woman slept with another man.

Therefore, almost everyone refused to trodd on this path; only those who had no other choice would consider taking the path of dual cultivation. Shui Han Yin knew this, but she didn't expect Bai Lin to secretly practice dual cultivation with his own mother. His cultivation partner was his father's wife.


Cultivation levels: Lower realm.

Initial Ascension(1) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Earth Ascension (2) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Heavenly ascension (3) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Mortal ascension(4) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.