The Hero Challenges the Villain

Shui Han Yin was stunned by what she saw, the shock was too indescribable. She couldn't understand how much of a bastard he had to be to have sex with his own mother.

In the world of cultivation it was not unseen to find a son marrying his mother or his sister, and sometimes it happened that a man could marry his mother and sisters together, but such cases were quite rare.

And yet in this case it was all too dirty for Bai Lin's father. She knew the sacrifices he had made for his wife, and there was no need to mention his son.

Even before he was born, he made sure that his son could become the patriarch of the clan by marrying Shui Han Yin, but fate played a cruel joke on him. Even so, he did not despair and did not vent his anger on his son, but supported him in any way he could, but in the end he received only a green hat from his own son.

"That's too mean," Shui Han Yin frowned.

Not wanting to stay any longer, she left Bai Lin's courtyard. If she had wanted to help him before, now she hated him to the core. He was what Shui Han Yin hated the most - a hypocrite.

He seemed bright and kind on the surface, but it was all just a shell. Inside, he was a vicious snake, a bastard who didn't care about anyone else, she thought. Since then, Shui Han Yin stopped trying to meet with him, and paid him no attention. It was as if Bai Lin had died to her that day.

Bai Lin listened silently, even though she was trying to get rid of him. He only heard what he wanted to hear and believed that she was trying to protect him that way.

"I know I'm considered trash, and even now you think I need to be protected, but I'm a man and my pride doesn't allow me to watch you suffer while doing nothing."

And the next moment he turned to Yang Ming's room and did something that shocked Shui Han Yin. He shouted:

"Is this how the men of the higher realm operate? By force, forcing a girl to serve you at night!"

"Yang Ming! I know that the patriarch has ordered her to serve you tonight! But for what? To please you? Or to get rewarded? The patriarch of the Shui Clan fell in my eyes, trading his daughter as if it were a thing, and the fact that the girl is going to hell, you don't even seem to care!

"You didn't even ask the girl's permission, much less mine. Shui Han Yin is my bride, she is my woman and will sleep only with me!"

"If her father, the patriarch of our clan, treats her like a thing, meaby Im unable to make you, but I want you to pay for her tears today."

"I, Bai Lin, a disciple of the Shui Clan, challenge Yang Ming of the higher realm!"

Bai Lin's deafening voice sounded like a peal of thunder, it could be heard even outside the Shui Clan. Everyone who heard it had different reactions: some were angry, some were frightened, and most were puzzled.

But the more Bai Ling spoke, the more questions arose from all the clan members. And not only the ordinary disciples and elders, even the patriarch was puzzled.

"What's going on anyway?" - that phrase was very appropriate for describing their reactions.

In the eyes of many people, Bai Lin was like a hero who was going to cross swords with the demon king. His righteous speech and description of the deal between Yang Ming and the patriarch shocked almost everyone.

They did not expect people in the high realm to be so mean, and even their own patriarch was not much different. They could sense from his tone all the rage and indignation he could feel, for Shui Han Yin was Bai Lin's fiancée and, upon learning that her own father was forcing her to sleep with another man, many could understand why he would say such a thing.

But others were also surprised because Bai Lin had been unable to cultivate since childhood, and now they could see a powerful level of cultivation that rivaled the clan's best geniuses.

Now the newfound strength of Bai Lin was completely set aside, many had a headache just thinking about what to do next. Because Bai Lin had exposed their scheme, many could now suffer at best, and at worst, the clan could disappear completely.

Their understanding quickly changed to anger as they realized Bai Lin's plan, he had not only ordered one ticket to hell for himself, but also bought one for each of them. The smarter ones immediately discerned his plan, meanwhile with one foot they were already drawing up an escape plan.

But it would be a dream come true for them to be able to survive, and they themselves could understand how it would end if they offended a person from a higher realm. But since they were not the main characters in today's show, all they had to do was to be spectators of the play.

People who didn't know the real truth had already made their guesses that perhaps what Bai Lin was saying was true, except for the three people who found themselves stunned by Bai Lin's revelations.

These people were Yang Ming, his reaction was only a devilish chuckle, he was right that in this world the heroes were quite strange people. Shui Han Yin, who smiled slightly, coming from the initial shock, thinking that he had regained his true snake form again, but she smiled because she knew that now Bai Lin was finished, to challenge Yang Ming was courting death.

And the third person was the patriarch of the Shui clan, and his reaction was rather amusing. At first he thought it was a bad dream, but after wiping his eyes, he groaned slightly at the approaching headache.

According to Bai Lin, he was one of the main villains, his conspiracy was exposed. Except that the patriarch couldn't understand what Bai Lin was talking about at all, he had too many questions, but the main one was, "Why did his daughter end up in Yang Ming's courtyard at night?"

The night, which had been quiet, became very noisy. The gossip quickly spread throughout the clan, everyone praying that Yang Ming would not be too offended by it, but even if all went well, they had already decided to execute Bai Lin.

"That bastard wants to die!" - every elder had the same thought.

While everyone was waiting for the patriarch to arrive, praying that he would arrive as quickly as possible, in the room, Yang Ming smiled slightly, he didn't even have to do anything, the fish jumped into the net by itself.

If before he was going to humiliate Bai Lin at tomorrow's test, now he changed his mind. Bai Lin had given him such an opportunity for his own humiliation that it would have been blasphemous not to use it, and his words he seemed not to take seriously at all.

A hero is a hero. For him, the world is divided into black and white: those who support him are on the white side, and those who dislike him are on the black side.


Cultivation levels: Lower realm.

Initial Ascension(1) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Earth Ascension (2) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Heavenly ascension (3) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Mortal ascension(4) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.