A visit

Ning Xi sat under an oak tree staring into the beautiful bright sky, she actually did not miss her previous life, she actually was wondering what this new life had in stall for her.

In this new life however she had adopted parents and her adopted parents were the only ones who truly loved and cared for her.

If her real parents did not want her maybe she could go back and apologize to her adopted parents, they might forgive her and she could get to stay with them.

"Ning Xi...what are you doing out here? It's a few minutes to closing, how about we walk home together?", Ming You sat by Ning Xi.

"Not today, I have somewhere to go so maybe another time!", Ning Xi stood up ready to leave.

Ming You sighed and lowered her head seemingly disappointed, she just wanted to befriend Ning Xi but it seemed Ning Xi was ignoring her.

"Ming You I know what you're thinking about, but I really have to be somewhere today so I hope you understand. Take care!", Ning Xi patted Ming You's hair and gently walked away.

Ming You's face turned red immediately, Ning Xi patting her hair replayed in her mind once more.

'Aww Ning Xi looked so cool just now!'

Ning family house...

Ning Rou arrived at home right after school after being picked by their family's driver, she didn't see her grandmother and asked one of the house maids.

"Hey! You there! Where's my grandmother?", Ning Rou asked disrespectfully to an elder maid.

"The elder madam is watering some flowers in the backyard garden!", The elder woman said, in a polite tone and turned around to leave.

"Hey! Stop right there! Don't you know you have to address me as young mistress? You address that b*tch as young mistress but give me no title?", Ning Rou yelled, her face turning red from her anger.

"I'm sorry... young mistress!", The woman took a low bow and walked away.

"Hmph! Even maids want to disrespect me? No way!"

Ning Rou held onto her bag and walked to the garden.

"Good day grandmother!", Ning Rou kissed her grandmother's hands.

"God bless you, my good Ning Rou!", The old lady seemed pleased by the gesture.

"Where's your sister? Why is she not back yet?", Old Ning You frowned.

"Sister... she got into a huge fight with my friend and slapped her!", Ning Rou sighed, she seemed worried.

"That wench! How dare she! No one in our family will help her out of this matter! Thankfully no one knows she's related to our family!", Old Ning You heaved a sigh of relief as she took a seat.

"But grandma...what if she's expelled from school?", Ning Rou held her grandmother's hands tightly and grippened it pretending to be worried.

"Silly girl, why would you worry about her when all she brings to our family is trouble? You know? The day she was born the foreseer said she was of total bad luck to our family!", Old Ning You said.

"But still...", Ning Rou pretended to be trying to convince the old lady.

"Not any word about her... what you should be thinking about now is your future in law's upcoming birthday!"

"Grandma!", Ning Rou smiled shyly as she blushed.

"Silly girl, go upstairs and take some rest now okay? You must be exhausted", she patted Ning Rou's head softly.


Ning Xi took in a deep breath, she had managed to find her adoptive parents house by recalling how it was described in the book and where it was located.

Finally, after little stress she had managed to find the Su family house.

*knock... knock!

"Coming!", An unfamiliar yet sweet voice was heard from inside.

In a few seconds the door was open, the woman seemed to freeze upon seeing who was at the door.

Ning Xi looked at the unfamiliar woman who stood frozed before her, she did not know what to say.

She could see the rush of emotions passing through the woman's eyes.

"Mother?", Ning Xi called out in a hoarse voice, her tears were threatening to fall however she was mustering courage and managed to control them.

"Xi... Little Xi? You're...!", The woman rushed forward in a fit of emotions and embraced Ning Xi as tightly as ever.

"Mom...what's taking you so long?", A male's voice that was nearing by was heard.

The door was opened once more and the face of an extremely good looking young man who looked exactly like the woman hugging her, this must be her adoptive brother Su Jin.

She knew what he must feel now, extreme hatred.

"Mom! What are you doing there hugging that ungrateful thing?", Su Jin yelled, his voice filled with extreme anger.

The woman, Mu Jang turned to see her son standing not too far away and filled with extreme anger.

"Jin...", The woman neared her son trying to hold his hand.

"Don't touch me! I'm not going to listen to anything she has to say just so you know so do not try to convince me!", Su Jin turned around and entered the house, banging the door loudly.

Mu Jang turned to see Ning Xi, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Mom... I'm sorry! I'm really really sorry!", Ning Xi fell to the ground on her knees and held her mother's legs.

"No! Stand up! Stand up immediately!", Mu Jang tried to lift Ning Xi off the ground.

"No! I won't stand up until you forgive me, I'm sorry for how I disappointed you in the past and left!"

"Little Xi...I was never angry with you, neither your father nor I but it's just... just your elder brother who got angry because you abandoned him and us!", Mu Jang was also crying now.

"Where's dad?", Ning Xi stood up from the ground, her knees red and sore after kneeling for a while.

"Your dad? Ah he got some job at some big company as a security man so he left for work in the morning", Mu Jang wiped the flowing tears on Ning Xi's cheeks.

"Oh okay...then I'll wait for him then, but I'm really happy to be back here with you!", Ning Xi hugged Mu Jang once more.

"Tell me...the Ning family, are they treating you well?"

"No! They are extremely bad to me, they treat me so badly!", Ning Xi burst into another round of tears which surprised her, usually when she thought about the Ning family she never felt the urge to cry but today she had complained and was even crying.

"My poor baby!",Mu Jang rubbed her back continuously until she came back to herself.

"Let's go in, you must be feeling cold already!", Mu Jang helped her into the house.


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