An arranged marriage

Ning Xi returned to her room upstairs however before she could switch on the light a shadow moved and a huge palm covered her mouth.

"Hmm...", Ning Xi's heart missed a beat as she struggled.

The light was switched on however she could not see whoever was holding her because the person was hugging her from behind.

However the person's smell felt very familiar but try as she could she just could not remember who it was.

"Did you miss me?", The man brought his lips closer to her ear and whispered right into it, his breath was so warm and ticklish that she trembled.

'Damn it! It was this guy? How... how did he know she was here? and how did he manage to get in without being noticed?'

Ning Xi eye's brightened as she thought of something, she immediately bit on his hands hardly however the guy seemed to be very strong and did not let go although he was bleeding.

"I'll let you go but you have to promise not to scream huh?", The guy turned her around and she was now facing him.

Ning Xi was burning with rage however she still nodded, she would go with the flow for now.

The guy smiled and let go off her, however before she could take a step further he locked the door.

"Trying to escape will not work, tsk...tsk!", The guy smiled once more and walked towards a sofa not too far away and sat down.

"You...what do you want from me? Why are you always following me around?", Ning Xi asked calmly, she was trying her best to be in a good behavior.

"Why? It's simply because I like you, is it so hard for you to notice that?", The guy smiled once more.

"I don't know you from anywhere and I don't even know who you are, I've never met you so how can it be that you like me? And... you've really got the guts to sneak into my room!", Ning Xi rested her hands on her hips.

Gu Zhen chuckled, his girl looked so cute at the moment that he wanted to kiss her.

She seemed to have forgotten what she had done and was now trying to escape? No way!

She had already stolen his heart and had to take responsibility.

"You seem not to be scared, your reaction to seeing me in your room amazes me. But that's also why I like you... you're so cute!", Gu Zhen winked at her.

"Look would be better if you got out of my room before I report you to the police for trespassing, leave now!", Ning Xi's voice was firm as she spoke.

"Oh... I'll leave but not now and also, I want you to know...I can never get out of your life even in death!"

Ning Xi's eyes widened, was this guy probably a psychopath?

But he looked too handsome and elegant to be one.


"Little Xi is everything alright? I thought I heard some voices?", Mu Jang's voice was heard from behind the door.

Ning Xi turned to see Gu Zhen who was still sitting in the sofa calmly, he did not seem to be scared.

Ning Xi sighed, she thought he would run away but it seemed he had some guts indeed and there was no way she could tell her adoptive mother that there was a man in her room.

"Maybe you heard wrongly mom... there's no one here, I was just about to sleep!", Ning Xi lied.

"Oh is that so? Sorry for disturbing you then, have a good night sleep dear", Mu Jang then walked..

Ning Xi heaved a sigh of relief after hearing her footsteps,she had almost been caught.

Ning Xi turned to Gu Zhen, how was she going to get this good for nothing guy out of her room?

"I'm not leaving anytime soon so maybe you should just go around doing what you normally do", Gu Zhen said in his deep mechanic voice.

Ning Xi sighed, she didn't want to accept it but the fact was that she actually felt comfortable around this stranger guy since the first day she had met him.

She did not know if he was sincere about liking her but she felt that he would not harm her in anyway.

Ning Xi checked in her backpack and found two textbooks, she took out one and sat on her bed to learn.

From what she had heard examinations was starting the next week so she had to learn towards it in order to get better grades, the previous Ning Xi always had the last position in class.

Gu Zhen noticed that the girl did not seem to have a mobile phone, he kept it in mind to remember to buy her one.

*ding! ding!

"Hello?", Gu Zhen's eyes turned cold the moment he picked up the call.

"Boss...the Shu family has invited you to the old man Shu Yei's birthday party which will be coming up in a few days!", his subordinate reported.

"Tell them I'm not coming... they're not worthy!", Gu Zhen hung up.

Ning Xi had heard the conversation just now, the almighty Shu family had invited him and he was declining?

Was this guy so powerful? What was his identity then?

At the Ning family house...

The Ning family was seated down and each of them had unhappy faces.

"Mom, dad...why is sister not home yet?", Ning Rou asked.

"That damn brat! How dare she stay out so late at night?", Old Ning You slammed her walking stick hardly on the floor.

"Grandma calm down, it's not healthy for you to get angry.", Ning Rou said.

It was already late evening and Ning Xi was not home yet, the Ning family was still awake waiting for her not because they cared about her but however because there was a bit of problem now.

The Ning family had an arranged marriage with one of the top powerful families, the Min family.

However Ning Rou did not want to marry into that family because the young master who was to be married, Min Tang was known to have many girlfriends and there were rumors that he abused them. Moreover the guy was not as handsome as Shu Man.

Today the Min family had called them and asked to hurry up the marriage which would now take place in a week.

The Ning family could have cancelled the marriage however due to greediness they wanted to have an alliance with the Min family since the Min family was an extremely wealthy and powerful family.

"I'll make sure that b*tch marries into the Min family by hook or by crook!", Old Ning You said, her eyes looking fierce and determined.


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Love y'all...