She was framed

Gu Xin and Shen Xui had arrived at school together a bit late, they saw the commotion.

Gu Xin, one who was always in for gossip immediately pulled a boy and asked about what was going on.

"It's a big issue bro Xin, you know that gorgeous beauty Ning Xi right?"

"Uh-huh I do know her, what about her?", Gu Xin had an ominous feeling when he heard the boy mention her name.

Shen Xui who had stood aside, seemingly not interested in the conversation immediately turned his attention to them upon hearing Ning Xi's name being mentioned.

"The thing is she's gotten into very big trouble. You know it's possible to be expelled when you sneak out of school right? There's a video of her on the school's community page showing her climbing the high wall and sneaking out"

"What?", Gu Xin was immediately shaken since he had never expected such a situation.

Inwardly he felt a bit happy, it served her right for making his cousin seized his things.