Playing along

Since she had such an opportunity then why not make use of it? She would just play along.

"That's right director, I tried to explain myself however you said I was disrespectful", Ning Xi lowered her head and covered her face, her shoulders were shaking and she seemed to be crying.

"You...", The director didn't know what to say at the moment and was left speechless. Tried to explain? Since when? She wasn't being framed! He was the one being framed alright?

The other teachers were shocked by the principal's attitude and even more shocked upon hearing Ning Xi's words.

However they were in no position to talk with the principal here so they could only grit their teeth and shut up.

"Are you trying to deny it once more? Go to the finance department and collect your severance pay, you've been fired! You two!", The principal yelled at the director and the assistant director.