Feeling Jealous

Tyler's POV

"Are you okay, Mr. Edgebright?" Lailah asked me after she handed me the memorandum she routed to the managers, and I couldn't answer her question right away since I was thinking about Arabella.

When she left last night, I felt so lost, and I didn't have enough sleep since the night she left me, and it had been three days since I haven't seen her. And I couldn't deny I missed her every day.

"Yeah, I am fine," I replied, and I could tell my father's secretary was doubtful of my response.

"Tyler, you don't look fine to me, I know you will not ask me to assist you today if you are fine, and if this is about Arabella, you can talk to me." She said, and since Lailah has been my dad's secretary, she is close to our family, especially to me.