Happiest Girl

Arabella's POV

"Please, Arabella, I will not leave unless you speak to me." I heard Tyler's pleading voice, and I let out a heavy sigh.

"Okay, but would you please wait for me outside? I still need to balance my sales for the day." I replied, and he smiled at me, and I hated myself that I looked at his face, and his hotness made me want to throw myself at him.

"But if you don't have anything good to tell me, I think you should leave, Ty, I don't want to speak with you, and you already know why I need to avoid you," I added.

"I know, and I promise you, Ara, what I tell you will blow your mind." He said, and I eyed him while his intense gaze made me feel hot all over my body.

Tyler walked out of the dive shop without a second glance, and I could see Neil out of the corner of my eye, looking at Ty with an angry expression on his face; I couldn't deny I felt so excited to hear what Ty was about to tell me.