The zoo

In the back of the car sat a peculiarly energetic child, the child gently kicked the back of the driver's seat. For a while now the child had been repeatedly asking the same question, "Are we there yet?", this was around the ninth time he'd done so in the last hour that they'd been driving.

Josh was especially energetic today as he was excited to see his friend Tom again, their families had made plans to go to the zoo together and they had agreed to meet up at the entrance.

Josh had been so excited that he hadn't been able to sleep the night before, nevertheless, he was still full of boundless amounts of energy. He had been waiting for this day ever since his mother had asked him what he had though about going to the zoo with Tom.

His excitement was even more prominent on the said day in question, and he just couldn't stop himself from feeling the excitement, and his constant questioning was beginning to tire his parents.

After a while, just before Josh was about to once again open his mouth to ask his father the same exact question, he was cut off by his father saying the words "We're finally here."

Hearing those words Josh quickly looked out of the window and admired the exterior of the zoo in slight awe.

Once the car had parked Josh hastily and clumsily unlocked the seatbelt, he pulled the handle quickly and pushed the car door open with all of his strength.

With the door open he jumped out of the car landing on his two little feet. Just before he was about to rush off he feels a gentle tug on his arm and hears his mother behind him, "Don't go running off now, dear. Wait for us to get the stuff from out of the car, we'll be done soon so don't worry."

Hearing her words Josh nodded his head hastily and kicked at the stones and pebbles around him. While doing this he remembers something and stops, instead he began to look around frantically in his search for Tom.

In the end Josh wasn't able to locate him and was dragged out of his thoughts by his mother and father who had collected the bags and stuff they had needed for their time in the zoo.

Josh's mother and father slung the bags on to their backs and they then both took one of Josh's hands in their own as they began walking towards the enterance of the zoo.

When they reached the enterance they found a small queue and lined up at the back of it. Josh tried his best to be patient as he waited and looked around, he looked around at the animal prints on the walls of the building.

"Mummy, when do you think Tom will come?" Josh asked suddenly, however since it was their turn to buy tickets his mother was too busy searching her bag for her purse that she didn't hear.

His father also didn't hear anything either because he was busy taking pictirea of the animal prints on the walls and animal statues with a goofy smile on his face. When his mother finished buying the tickets for their family she took the tickets from the staff's outstretched hand along with the pamphlet with a map.

Josh walked hastily besides his parents to keep up as they walked towards the weird machines at the real enterance of the zoo that scan the codes on the back of the tickets.

Something in the corner of Josh's vision caught his eye as he turned to look at it more clearly and realied that he'd spotted Tom from the corner of his eyes.

Josh then ran over to him with huge eyes and a wide smile on his face. Tom smiled back as Josh grabbed Tom by his arm and shook him gently. "What took you so long?" Josh asked while making a cute half mad half sad face.

"Well, since I got here first doesnt that mean I was waiting for you, though?" Tom replied quietly with a small smile as he anxiously scratched the back of his head.

"Hmm…" Josh started as he let go of Tom and placed his hand on his chin in a thinking pose, "I guess so, we'll anyway come on!" Josh called out happily as he omce again too Tom's arm as he dragged Tom back to the place his parents were scanning their tickets.

Josh's parents had scanned both of their tickets and only one was left, seeing this Josh let go of Tom's arm and grasped onto his mother instead, "Mum can I try it?". His mother nodded in reply as he let go of her and she handed him the ticket, when he received the ticket Josh stood on his tippy toes to be able to reach the scanner to scan the ticket.

After he'd finished scanning the ticket he gave it to his mum and turned back around to face Tom.

Josh met Tom's gaze and asked him a question, "What do you want to do?"

Tom paused for a second before replying and said "I don't know…" whilst he lowered his gaze slightly to look down onto the ground.

Josh stared at Tom who was awkwardly fiddling with his fingers and avoiding the gaze, then Tom's parents came rushing over and greeted Josh's.

"Hey ——, did you have a safe drive over? Oh, and your husband too." Said Tom's mother energetically.

"Yes, ——, did you both have a safe drive too?" Replied Josh's mother slightly less energetically.

"We did, thanks ——," Responded Tom's father, "Are you also done with the checking in and everything? Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes ——, we just finished up!" Replied Josh's father with a wide smile on his face, he then slung his arm around Tom's fathers' shoulders, "You're done too, right?"

"Of course, we wouldn't keep you waiting." Replied Tom's father as a smile started to break out onto his face.

The four parents then turned to their children who were just stood there looking up at them and called out to them.

"Ready to go, champ?" Asked Josh's father with a grin on his face as he looked down at Josh. To which Josh just nodded his head frantically and enthusiastically.

"You ready too, dear?" Asked Tom's mother with a warm expression on her face as Tom also nodded in response.

Josh then started bouncing on his heels and moving his small fists up and down in excitement, "Can we go now?" He asked.

"Bit imaptient aren't you?" Said his father with a chuckle, "It's this way, come on." he said as he started walking further into the zoo.

Luckily for Josh they didn't have to walk for long as they quickly saw a small area surrounded by a wooden fence. Josh then excitedly pointed in that direction and "Tom, look!" he called out as he began to drag Tom to the location. "I wanna see it, I wanna see it!" Josh exclaimed excitedly as he dragged Tom.

Tom let out a surprised gasp aa he was suddenly pulled away, he tried his best to keep up so as to not trip and fall. "Josh… slow down-" he called out quietly as he struggled to keep up.