Childish games

After a while of the two boys waiting patiently in silence for their order, the woman placed their cups of coffee on the top of the display cabinet along with their respective cakes and then wished them well before turning to the next customer who had walked through the door after and subsequently lined up after them.

"Hey, bring those over for me yeah? I'll get a table." Called out Tom as he had a wide smile on his face as he rushed off.

"Hey! Wait…!" Josh called out, it was no use though, as Tom was already long gone and didn't even bother turning to look back at him.

Josh sighed and grabbed the four different items and carefully placed them in his arms and slowly and steadily shuffled over to the table at which Tom had decided to sit at, he carefully balanced the palates and drinks so nothing would fall.

Josh had a few close calls but luckily he didn't drop anything or spill anything and placed the four plates on the table carefully with all of them being in one piece.

When he had made sure the plates were securely on the table and weren't in danger of falling off the sides of the table for any random reason, he pulled the chair out form under the table and dropped himself on it with a plop.

Josh then looked up at Tom and noticed that he was being stared at, "What is it?" Asked Josh when he saw Tom blankly looking at him.

"Nothing much," Tom replied lazily, "just that we didn't get any utensils."

Josh looked at the plates and realised that Tom was right, they really hadn't thought to grab any forks or anything.

"That was your job. Why else would you have ran off first?" Said Josh as he looked into Toms face after looking at the plates, "So that means you need to hurry along and get us those forks." Josh then smiled cheekily and flicked his fingers at Tom indicating that he should go quickly to get them.

"No that's not quite it, I said I was getting a table, so that means it must have been your job to get the cutlery, and since that's it then i believe you need to skedaddle over there and get the forks." Tom retorted with a smirk plastered on his face, he then copied the same hand motions as Josh.

"No, no. That's not it either, I mean my hands were full with the plates so I couldn't have grabbed them. So you should hurry over." Replied Josh as he shook his head from side to side vigorously.

Tom closed his eyes and his eyebrows raised themselves slightly, "Why do you think you have multiple fingers for? Obviously they're meant for holding forks in between." Tom then shrugged slightly with a smirk still on his face.

"…Right. But then you also have multiple fingers, not only that but your fingers weren't in current use. So you should get them to redeem yourself." Josh replied as he pointed over his shoulder at the trays of utensils.

Tom opened his eyes and they both stopped smiling, they looked at each other in the eyes and they were both silent for a few moments as they stared at each other.

"There's only one way to settle this." Said Josh.

"You're right." Replied Tom as he nodded.

"Then, ready, one-" said Josh.

"Two-" Said Tom.

"Three-" They both said in unison.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot." They said together.

Josh pulled out a rock whilst Tom pulled paper. They both looked at each other's hands, they saw the same thing but their reactions were worlds apart in difference.

On Josh's face was a grimace laced with a look of pain, whilst Tom's face had a grin so wide it looked like his face would get pulled apart.

Josh slammed his palms onto the table somewhat roughly, a somewhat pained look on his face whilst Tom sat their laughing at him, he pointed at Josh and shook his legs and arms before he clutched his sides.

Josh then pushed the chair backwards with his legs and walked over to the tray to get utensils, once he'd choose d what he thought to be suitable ones he allied back over to the table.

He was welcomed back with the sight of Tom dying of laughter.

"It's not that funny," said Josh with a sigh, "get a hold of yourself, c'mon man." He added exasperatedly.

"It was pure comedy, the good stuff, classic humour-" Tom listed before being interrupted.

"What're you even talking about?" Josh asked with a skeptical look before shaking his head and adding, "Well, never mind, anyway here."

Josh then passed over the utensil he'd taken for him over to Tom, he dropped it into Tom's outstretched hands as Tom clasped his fingers around it. Josh then placed his own fork onto his plate as he reached out to his cup of coffee to take a sip before it began getting cold.

However, before the drink was able to touch his lips he was stopped by the sound of his friends voice.

"Hey, this… this isn't a fork. What's this?" Questioned Tom, his voice sounding slightly exasperated.

"You're not blind are you? It's quite obviously a spoon. Have you never seen one before?" Replied Josh, his voice sounding as though he'd done nothing wrong.

"No, that's not what I… that's not…" Tom tried to respond but couldn't quite find the correct words to express himself and what he was trying to say.

Tom then took a breath and was able to slightly organise his thoughts, he then opened his mouth to speak once again, "What I meant to say is why did you give me a spoon?"

"Well children tend to get given spoons, right? I shouldn't take the chance of you hurting yourself with anything else, right?" Replied Josh as he stuck his tongue out slightly.

"It was a fork… it's not even sharp. It's not like I wanted to eat my cake with a knife…!" Responded Tom with a look of pure exasperation on his features.