Robbin’s Coffee

"You sure you're good?" He asked again, trying to make sure that his friend was really alright, he also wanted Josh to share his troubles with him and be someone that could be there for Josh.

"Yeah, it's fine, really. Don't worry about it, it's nothing." He replied nonchalantly. The arms he had let drop to his sides were lifted once more as he reached one of his arms out and around Tom then tried to clasp it around Tom's shoulder, however, Tom used his arm to push Josh's away and Josh let his arm fall down to his sides once again.

Tom smiled at Josh, his eyebrows slightly furrowed in part confusion part worry for his friend, but he didn't want to push Josh for answers if he didn't want to tell him.

"So the bookstore? Right? Or was it the cafe…? Wait where are we going again?" Asked Josh, a look of confusion on his face.

"Well how about going to the cafe first? Because after all you take ages to drink stuff so it's best to have the most time for that right?" He said with a smile as he poked fun at Josh.

Josh grumbled under his breath in response with a, "It was one time… one time."

"Well anyway, if we get coffee and cakes or something there but don't end up going to the bookstore and whatever else, we still have time off that after school. If we go after classes or now doesn't make a difference for those since we won't be able to read the books or anything till after classes are over anyway right?" Tom took a break between his words and stole a glance at Josh before continuing, "But it would make a difference if we go to the cafe now or later. Don't you think?"

"I mean, I guess you're right." He said as he nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

"You guess?" Tom said with sigh. He smiled slightly and then pulled out his phone, "Anyway, it's this way." Tom then pointed in the direction in which it was and even pulled up the cafe on Google maps and showed Josh to prove it.

"Lead the way, comrade!" Was the only response Tom got from Josh as Tom once again let out another sigh as he began to walk in the designated direction.

They had both been walking for quite a while before they reached the place in which Tom had been leading them.

Josh looked up at the sigh for the coffee shop and read it aloud, "Robbins Coffee. Robbins, like the bird?" He asked Tom, one of his eyebrows slightly raised.

"I mean, that is the spelling yes, but I'd think that that's not why they named the coffee shop as such." Tom responded as he glanced back at Josh.

"Hmm that's true…" at that moment a thought struck Josh, he snapped his fingers and then stated happily, "Oh, then that film about time travel with that tired guy with the baseball and that smart guy who was that guys dad."

Josh was smiling happily at Tom as if he'd solved some sort of extremely mysterious mystery that no one had been able to solve. However, Tom just stared back at Josh with a blank expression on his face, Tom sighed once again, except this time it was mentally.

"Yeah, that must be it." He said.

"Really, you think so?" Josh responded, with his eyes shining happily.

"No." Replied Tom, his voice flat and monotone.

"It could be though, right? Like you don't know for sure?" Josh responded hopefully.

Tom looked him over for a second before signing once again, this time out loud, and closing his eyes before saying "…Well, I guess I don't know for sure. It… might be the reason for all I know." Tom then opened his eyes again and muttered under his breath, "What is he even talking about?" He shook his head to himself slightly.

"You alright?" Josh asked, he was looking at him and watched Tom shake his head at nothing in particular.

"Yeah, peachy." Tom said, "On that note, they look like they have peach tea, so let's go in."

Tom reached out his hand to push open the door but Josh reached the door first and rammed his body into it to open it.

The bell shook violently and jingled loudly, it was even more so due to the almost silent interior of the coffee shop.

The silence, exceeding the bell, was broken when a melodious voice called out to the two boys from across the room from behind the counter, "Hello! This is Robbin's Coffee, I'm ——, what would you like to order today?"

Josh looked at the source of the voice and his gaze landed upon a beautiful woman who looked to be in her mid twenties. His breath caught in his throat momentarily and he had to forcibly attempt to clear his throat by sort of coughing loudly.

He then walked up to the counter quickly with Tom in tow as he opened his mouth to begin to order, he then looked up at the blackboard on the wall behind her and noticed the many different drinks and dessert options. He closed his mouth and hastily attempted to scan every item on the menu to order quickly.

When Josh was trying to decide on what to order, Tom moved closer and closer to Josh until his mouth was right next to Josh's ear before he whisper shouted at Josh, "Get a pumpkin spice latte."

"Oh, uhm, a pumpkin spice latte please." He stay too the woman across the counter.

Joshua then realised what he'd ordered and turned to Tom as he whisper shouted back at him, "But I don't like pumpkin spice lattes."

"What was that?" The woman asked as she looked at them in confusion? Thinking they were talking to her.

"Oh, nothing." Josh said.

"The latte's for me. What're you going on about?" Replied Tom, he lifted one of his eyebrows in a questioning manner at Josh.

Josh let out an "Oh" and turned back to the lady across the counter.

She smiled warmly at Josh and then seemed to type that into the computer type device to register his order, "Anything else, sir?"

"Oh, yes, could I also have a regular americano please?"

"Of course," she replied with a smile still plastered onto her face. "Will that be all?"

"Pumpkin pie." Said the voice in Josh's ear.

"No, could I also get a slice of pumpkin pie?" He said, he then took a breath and looked across the display before adding to his order, "Could I also get a slice of cheesecake as well?"

"Absolutely, sir." The woman said as she typed in their order as she motioned towards the card machine, indicating for him to pay.

He paid and got his receipt before she went to make his drinks and get their cakes.