Not everyone likes pumpkins

Josh then realised something yet again and exclaimed somewhat loudly, "Hey but I don't even like pumpkins!"

"Is that so?" Tom asked with little care, as if it didn't affect him in the slightest.

"Yeah! I told you that. I've told you that loads of times! I literally told you that at the counter. It was less than ten minuets ago!" Josh exclaimed exasperatedly. He slumped back into his chair and took a few deep breaths and let out a sigh.

"Yeah?" Tom replied almost mindlessly, with an attitude that seemed to suggest that it was as if this matter didn't concern him in the least, he didn't seem to care at all.

Josh let out yet another sigh once again, "What will I do with you?" He asked under his breath to no one in particular. It was the type of question that was posed to himself alone.

However, Tom seemed to have heard Josh's muttering and replied nonchalantly, "Yeah, what will you do?" Tom asked as he examined his nails pointlessly under the table.

"Tell your mother?" Josh said without thinking much about it, he leaned back in his chair fully and moved around a bit to make himself more comfortable.

"Wow, scary~" Tom replied with a monotone sounding voice, however he ended up really dragged out the word scary.

"Then I'll eat your hoards of yogurt?" Josh questioned, he knew that Tom liked yogurt and kept a stock of it on hand in his house for whenever he wanted to gorge himself but he didn't know if it'd get the desired reaction from Tom or not, either way Josh wasn't holding out much hope and it could be heard from the bored tone in which he used to pose his questioning statement.

"I'll send you pizza from your favourite pizza place." Said Tom with an unidentifiable look in his eyes.

Josh looked at him and couldn't decipher the feelings behind Toms look and words, "Thanks-" he started saying before he was quickly interrupted by Tom.

"Only for you to open it and find out that the only thing left in the box is a single half slice of half eaten pizza." Said Tom as he finished his sentence from earlier, from before he was interrupted by Josh.

"Pressed are you?" Asked Josh in the form of a question, however, in reality it was more of a statement, because he already knew the answer and they both knew that.

"Course-" started Tom as he closed his eyes and he raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That a yes?" Josh interrupted hurriedly as he wore a cheeky smirk on his handsome face.

"Course not, was what I was saying before you oh-so rudely interrupted." Stated Tom with a heavy tone with his eyes were still closed and eyebrows still partially raised. "Really, how-" Tom started saying before he was once again interrupted.

"You finished yet?" Josh asked Tom as he let himself relax more into the chair he was currently sat upon.

"Yep." Replied Tom who once again seemed to be level-headed. "You gonna eat that or what?" He asked after a pause. Then Tom briefly pointed at both the slice of cake and cup of coffee respectively.

Josh finally sat back upright and stopped leaning back on the chair, his back straightened considerably before he instead bent forewords instead of back and he then looked at where Tom was pointing. Josh then sighed aloud as he let go of his clasped hands and instead let his arms fall down to his sides as his forearms were left to rest on the table.

Josh then lifted one of his arms and opened up his palm so he could rest the side of his face on it. He adorned a pouty expression and asked Tom a question, "Do I have to? Must I really?" He asked with such a look that he hoped would make Tom relent and not force him to eat such a horrid thing that he heavily disliked.

"Yep." Replied Tom without a moments hesitation, he was looking dead straight into Joshua's eyes and was watching his expressions yet didn't show the slightest bit of sympathy.

Josh then subconsciously donned a look of mild disgust as he moved his gaze off from Tom and instead onto the delicacies which were laid out on the table before him.

"Why do you always do this to me? Is this why you always order the stuff on the menu that I hate the most when you don't feel like eating?" Josh asked with a sour look on his face, he smiled bitterly as soon as he finished speaking and looked up from the dishes and instead looked at Tom.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. Honestly who knows." Tom replied with a smirk on his face.

"You. You do." Snapped Josh exasperatedly, he then took a breath and in that moment of silence he started laughing, it was parts bitter and parts sweet. It was mostly genuine laughter, when he stopped a helpless smile found its way upon his face, and what a beautiful smile it was. An infectious smile that once you what'd it you couldn't help but smile too, so Tom then too soon subsequently began smiling too, a pure genuine warm smile.

They then began chatting away together, occasionally laughing about this and that and whatever else as Josh slowly and carefully choked down the slice of cake in small chunks in between gulps of the latte.

Every time he did as such he would pull a face and a vile expression would cross his features. This caused Tom to laugh heartily each and every time without fail, he couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter seeing the funny expressions his friend made continuously.

Once they were finished, Josh finished eating and drinking the respective dishes, and Tom finished laughing at Josh and the faces he made whilst enduring these moments of pain.

Josh then quickly gobbled down the remains of the claw he'd ordered for himself and then continued on to chug down the coffee he'd ordered himself to try and rid himself of the, in his opinion, disgusting tastes of those vile dishes.