Eating hated dishes

Josh then wiped his lips clean with a piece of paper which had been laid out on the table. A thought then struck him as his eyes widened momentarily before they returned to normal.

"So that's it, huh?" He asked.

"What's what?" Tom asked as he tilted his head slightly to the side and looked at Josh quizzically, "What do you mean exactly?" He asked again with a slight smile gracing his face.

"That must be why you order these repulsive dishes, right?" He asked once again, Josh carefully observed Toms reactions and noticed that Tom was giving him a blank stare, as though he didn't know exactly what Josh meant exactly. "I mean you like the reactions I make, right? that's why you order these disgustingly bad dishes?" Josh asked once again, specifying the question to make it easier to understand.

"The things you say," Said Tom as he chuckled lightly. "Why would anyone order anything like that for such a purpose? How cruel do you take me for?" Tom questioned in a confused manner, shaking his head as he watched Josh take another sip from the drink which Tom had ordered. He smiled as Josh's face contorted almost painfully in reaction to the taste of the drink.

"That right?" Josh said, his eyes narrowing slightly, "You're sure?"

Tom nodded his head slightly and with a wide grin replied, "Of course."

Josh sighed deeply as he closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat with his hands crossed over his chest. After all, he'd somewhat expected it when he had heard Tom order both a slice of cake and a drink filled with pumpkin, but he didn't think he'd end up with the entirety of both.

As he sat, he suddenly began to feel a weird feeling within himself. It wasn't an unpleasant one, nor was it a pleasant sensation, it was just… odd. Like something wasn't quite right.

"Hey, don't look so down about it," Tom said as he reached for the cup sitting in front of Josh, "You're not the only one who gets the menu wrong here sometimes!"

With that said Joshua stoped leaning back on the chair and instead sat up properly and looked at Tom and gave him a look that questioned whether or not he had gone mad, "What're you talking about? You ordered this… come on now, your memory isn't bad, stop joking around."

"No, as I can recall it, you were the one who asked the nice lady behind the counter for the pumpkin spice latte and the slice of pumpkin pie." Replied Tom with a smirk plastered onto his face.

Josh let out an annoyed sigh as he placed his chin on his fist and rubbed his temples, "Thats not right and you know it." he said exasperatedly.

"No, that most definitely is what happened." said Tom cheekily with a light chuckle.

"But you're twisting what happened!" Stated Josh, "You whispered it creepily into my ear, like you've done so many times before, and I just ordered what you asked me to." when he finished speaking he opened his eyes once again and stopped rubbing his temples as he looked up into Tom's grinning face. However, the sight of Tom's cheeky grin only resulted in Josh becoming somewhat angrier as he let out yet another deep and long sigh.

Tom only laughed at Josh's expression before he pointed at the plate in front of Josh and gestured for him to take another small bite out of the slice of pumpkin pie, which now rested in front of him and spoke softly as he watched Josh take a few more bites, "And do you have any possible way to verify what you're saying? And anyhow, we were whispering, after all, it's possible you simply misheard what I said."

A few seconds passed before Josh finally spoke, but when he did, his voice sounded strained and somewhat quiet, a slight frown was also on his face and his eyebrows were furrowed. "I heard you perfectly alright, I may seem deaf, but I'm not actually deaf!" He spat the words out.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, man. I'm only kidding around, you know that. No need to get upset, you know I didn't mean anything by it." Said Tom in a soothing tone, although his voice was still laced with amusement.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Josh responded curtly and rolled his eyes as he let a helpless smile appear on his face before taking another bite of the delicious looking slice of pie that Josh considered downright disgusting.

It took a couple minutes for Josh to finish eating the rest of the food that Tom had ordered, especially after having already eaten his own orderered food, but once the food was gone they stood up from the table. Josh tucked in his chair whilst Tom only walked away without caring for the chair nor the items they'd left on the table.

Josh sighed as he watched Tom walk away and turned his back to Tom so he could pick everything up from the table, he once again carried four different plates in his arms, he then looked around to figure out where to leave all of the dirty dishes and cups but couldn't see an area to leave them, this caused him to carefully and slowly make his way towards the counter, he wobbled a couple of time but ended up at the counter without having dropped anything.

Once he'd reached the counter he alerted the woman behind the counter with a light fake cough, "Excuse me, so you know where I should leave these exactly?" he asked politely.

The woman turned around to look at the person who had called her and when she saw him she smiled a beautiful smile, "Oh there's no need. You can just leave them on the table and our staff will clean them up later, however, since you have them, I'd you can just place them on the counter here that would be much appreciated." Replied the beautiful woman.

"Oh, alright." Josh said, a smile blossomed on his own face as he watched her.

"But next time you decide to come here just remember you can leave the plates on the table." She said as Josh began walking away from the counter, he turned slightly to look at her over his shoulder and saw her smiling face as he turned away.

Josh then walked to the entrance of the coffee shop and noticed that Tom had gone outside to wait for him, this somewhat surprised Josh as he hadn't heard the bell on the door ring, he thought that perhaps he really was going deaf as his eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion.