Buying books

"Well, yeah. I looked for this book last time I came here but they were sold out. Luckily it's in stock right now so I'm able to buy it." Replied Tom as he looked up from the book into Josh's face.

"Oh, that's lucky then." Replied Josh absentmindedly as he glanced down at the book in Tom's hands. It was a book he hadn't read before and the author was one he didn't recognise.

"Anyway, you can keep looking, I'll buy this first. I'll join you in a bit." Said Tom as he waited by the counter for the person behind the counter to ring up the novel.

Hearing this Josh saluted Tom and then turned away from him and went back to look through the different shelves full of books.

However, a particular novel caught his eye, it was by an author called "AlixGHF", and the title of the novel was "In The End You Weren't Worth It".

He pulled the book from off the shelf gently and flipped it over to see the cover art, it looked interesting. Josh then turned it over to read the blurb, it seemed interesting so he decided to take it over to counter after he was finished looking through the other shelves.

After a while of searching Josh had found another three books along with the one by AlixGHF, he then took all four books to the counter and placed them down carefully. He then rummaged through his pockets for his wallet and once he found it he took out his card to pay for the novels.

The lady behind the counter rung up the books and stated the price, the total was £51.96, he swiped his card and put his card and wallet away and was about to take the books in his arms when he realsied he hadn't brought a bag and that carrying them in his arms would be difficult and innificient.

"I'm sorry, can I also get a bag please?" he asked the cashier nicely with an awkward smile on his face.

The cashier nodded and walked a few steps to the left and brought out a plastic bag with the name of the store plastered on it in huge letters, "That'll be an extra £0.05, thank you." she said in a disinterested voice.

Josh once again brought out his wallet to pay, he swiped his card then put them back away again and took the outstretched plastic bag from the cashier. Josh then put the four books in the bag and walked to the entrance before remembering that Tom had come with him to the bookstore, he looked around quickly but caught no sight of him.

"Boo!" exclaimed Tom who turned out to be standing directly behind Josh, "Did I scare you?" he said with a wide grin on his handsome face.

"Not at all…" replied Josh who had almost jumped from the sudden surprise.

"Sure~" replied Tom in a singsong voice as he slung his arm across Josh's shoulder. This caused Josh to have to bend forward slightly as Tom was somewhat shorter than him and was dragging Josh down to his height.

"Anyway where were you?" Asked Josh curiously, "Oh and where's the book that you bought earlier?" he added when he noticed that Tom wasn't carrying a bag.

"Oh it's here." said Tom as he lifted up his free hand and showed that in it he was holding onto the book, "Also I was just looking around the bookstore earlier, that's all."

Josh looked at him with a confused expression on his face, he wasn't sure whether or not Tom had been holding a book when he looked earlier, he wasn't sure and wondered whether he was going crazy or not, or even if he already was.

Tom only smiled brightly when faced with Josh's expression, Tom's eyes were shut and his smile was blinding.

"So… where to now? We could head back to campus and be early for the next class or we could go somewhere else for a short period of time to do something." Tom stated as he opened his eyes once again.

"What's the time?" Asked Josh as he rummaged through his pocket with his free hand for his phone, he fished it out and opened it but before he could look at time time Tom pulled out his own phone and read out what the time that was written on the screen.

"That means we have just over half an hour left." Said Josh as he and Tom both put away their respective phones. "In that time if we walk back to campus we'll be early by around sixteen minutes but by car it's less than five minutes."

"That means we could do something, but it'd have to be hella rushed. Actually, no let's not, rushing to do something takes all the fun out of it." replied Josh as a light sigh escaped fork his lips.

"Well we would've had time to do something without having to rush if someone didn't take an absolute age to finish eating earlier." said Tom snarkily as he rolled his eyes dramatically at Josh as he made sure Josh was looking straight at him.

"Hey, hey, hey. No, you're not pushing the blame on me this time. I refuse. i shall not be gaslighted!" exclaimed Josh with a smile on his face as he raised his hand up in front of him and looked at Tom.

"No, that's most definitely what happened. You decided you wanted to eat and drink loads of different things so you made us spend lots of time in that coffee shop." Said Tom, the sound of his smirk could be heard in his voice.

"Hey now, that's not it and you know it." Josh replied helplessly with a chuckle as he bonked Tom lightly on the head, "I'm pretty damn sure the reason we spent such a long time in that coffee shop is because you ordered me more food under the guise of it being for yourself, then you forced me to finish it. Along with the food I'd already had."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Replied Tom playfully as he bumped Josh with his fist and grinned widely. After a moment, however, he spoke again, "But even so, you do know that means that you just admitted that the reason we were later than intended was because you kept us in the coffee shop because you were eating too much." said Tom as his eyes turned slowly into the shapes of crescent moons and his grin widened even more so.