Chapter 30

Since then hell throughout the Multiverse continued to grow slowly growing closer and closer to Universe 7 leaving it for last as the group began to search throughout every Universe of what hope they can find on defeating Xzander and his prison inmates that seemed to be worshipping the God in his all mighty glory of the new form he revealed to Ebba within the dimensional training realm now finally naming it 'Divine Doomsday Super Saiyan God' a very evil name to bring upon the Gods showing what real darkness there is in the true use of the power of the Hakai especially when at its absolute limits.

However went it came for them to start out their original 12 Universes, but when they appeared in every each one nothing could be felt nor seen which enraged the Saiyans greatly as that could only mean one thing. Universal wipe. Everyone is gone.

"That sick bastard! Does he not have any common sense whatsoever? I'll kill him?!" Vegeta exclaimed knowing that no one especially Universe 7 itself wasn't spared from Xzander's rage and selfish desire for endlessly power for all eternity, but what is erasing 12 Universes going to do?

"He hasn't erased the Anti Universes so why don't we start there?" Nova replied not wanting to stay and stare at what remains of her Universe. Vegeta turned around grabbing Nova by her destroyer uniform in hopes on getting through her head.

"Just because you still have Zora doesn't mean you have to rub it in our faces! How would you like it if you lost your family? Oh wait, you already have?!" He growled as she glared down at him putting some power in the situation as she was the strongest slightly intimidating him with her angered expression causing Gohan to get involved as Nova was the only reason they're even able to break in the vacuums of space thanks to her staff.

"Hey.. why don't we just calm down. Everyone here has long something precious to them and we haven't got the time to argue and point fingers. We need to find more reinforcements and Nova seems to know what she's doing so don't make her do something she might regret" Gohan said keeping Vegeta a little distant from Nova as he knew that Xeno would get involved and cause a fight to occur which cannot happen.

"Tch! Whatever" Vegeta responded coasting his arms and turned his back on them allowing to Gohan to exhale with relief as Nova tapped her staff causing them to appear in a familiar throne room as a familiar king like figure came into view that only Nova could recognise from her tiny group of Saiyans on a very important mission to gain help from these people.

"State your business.. God" King Voltar demanded remembering her last visit which ended pleasantly and yet remained professional in the presence of more Saiyans that clearly don't belong in this Universe. "And you brought more monkeys.. are you trying to intimidate me just because I have your dear friend?" He added being way more dominant of his status and yet no one here had intentions of stealing his pathetic throne or planet.

"Please you dirty pathetic ape! I came here to assort some sort of alliance to take down Xzander, but you clear don't show respect to your superiors, so die with both your disgusting planet and it's people" Nova replied playing along with this selfish King's game seeing his eyes widen from her response as the others too were confused.

"Nova. What is up with you today?" This isn't like you to be so aggressive" Goku replied coming up beside her, but when he got there seeing her serious expression he knew that this didn't include him even though her aggressive was due to Zorion.

"I'm only giving him the attitude what he's giving me, nothing more. And I refuse to let anyone trample me as the last time I came here I showed you respect so the least you can do is show me to me, Voltar or should I say your highness" Nova said keeping her attention aimed at the king who gulped nervously by her intimidating glare before he glanced to someone as a mysterious cloaked being came inside the throne room intrigued on seeing the white haired goddess here.

"What do you want? Can't you see that I am busy doing business with a being that is clearly higher than your status, Witch" King Voltar responded as the supposed witch smirked with interest causing Nova to glance over curious on who this cloaked being could be.

"I originally came here to curse the King, but a God, well.. you should know better than to come to a planet that is destined to be doomed and killing all of these meaningless species, but I have something far more interesting suited for you, my dear" the witch replied before chuckling to herself lifting up her hand causing Nova to levitate catching her off guard hardly able to move nor break free from whatever this is as the witch began to chant causing Nova's body to shrink looking far younger than she had looked prier before this mysterious magic trick happened.

"Nova!" Goku tried to intervene, but the witch quickly and easily pushed him aside pinning him to the ground by intense gravity defying logic itself as the King watched while the change of this promising God took place front in front of him shocked that even he hadn't expected to happen.

".. she is going to kill me" Voltar mumbled to himself strongly referring to Riaura as a huge blast came out of nowhere hitting the witch releasing a 10 year old Nova who looked at Gohan confused as she glanced around not knowing where she was and how they all got there, but mainly where her father was.

"Papa..?" She said ignoring her brother forcing herself to climb up and over his shoulders as he held onto her tail preventing her from falling and possibly hurting herself.

"Nova calm down. Today isn't the time to be pestering dad okay, just stop it alright?" Gohan said pulling her back into his arms making sure that she stays in plain sight sounding very serious especially in the situation they're in causing Nova to make direct contact into his eyes making him become very uneasy. And yet her body was fragile and malnourished as she was taken away by the Grand Priest when she was only three and imprisoned for a little over 7 years before being freed by an Angel.

"I don't know where I am, I was stuck in chains starved and left to rot by the mean angel. So how did I get here?!" She thought to herself looking stressed out and confused no longer giving a crap who she comes across.

"W-wow, what's with the hostility? I was just joking" Gohan nervously replied and yet kept a smile on his face before actually feeling her body and how frail it was which then he realised what exactly the witch had done. "She can't be serious? Nova shouldn't be like this unless..." he thought to himself blankly spacing go out trying to figure out how this could be possible and if not sorted out then bad things are sure happen.

"Uh.. why is Nova tiny again? And why is she so skinny? It's sending shivers throughout my entire body by just looking at her" Goten replied giving his own thoughts on the situation as she glanced out at him unable to identify him as her brother other than Gohan since his hair hasn't really changed that much.

"The witch must've turned Nova back to the time when the Priest had imprisoned her.. it's the only thing that can fit perfectly with how malnourished her body has become" Gohan said pointing out the only explanation behind this sudden change of plans and having her changed like this could really effect their plans of finding reinforcements to help fight against Xzander.

"Grr" she growled still glaring intensely at Goten startling them both from this sudden change in personality mainly towards her own brother while the other was safe from judgment's eyes.

"Why is she growling at me like that? Doesn't she remember me at all?" The second son of Goku replied in shock as he never thought that his own sister would ever look at him that way let alone become so hostile and wild towards the one that helped her be the person she used to be.

The reason behind Nova's sudden change cannot truly be explained yet, but being left alone for so long in the void can do some serious damage to one's mental health and cause them to change in ways no one especially love ones ever wanted to see. Goku too was surprised with this sudden sense of aggression his own daughter was showing to his son was completely unexpected and out of her control.

"I see that brat is still as lively as ever" Riaura's voice could be heard as she entered the throne room surprising all and Vegeta himself to see her alive and well and still as stubborn as ever. Nova glanced at her as the princess came up to the child not afraid of her little petty little tantrum she was having. "Here I thought I was the brat around here, but you, kid. You take the cake, so stop whatever you're doing and grow up. We haven't got the time to cope with your crap!" She added grabbing Nova by her tail taking her away from Gohan who didn't expect her to act this way and yet worries for his sister's health if not contained.

"Is holding her like that really necessary?" Gohan questioned seeing Nova struggling to grab and kick free from the trap Riaura had put her in as Vegeta came forward taking the kid from her hands keeping Nova dangling from her tail that twitched annoyingly showing that she doesn't like her tail being grabbed especially like this.

"Of course it is you imbecile! If I let her go then surely she's go for someone and get us all killed, and I don't think any of us wants that to happen, do we?" Vegeta replied taking advantage of the situation knowing how soft Goku was towards this kid and yet he's the only one who can tame the storm from getting stronger.

"I guess you're right.. just don't hurt her, she's in one her most weakest states and anything here is capable of killing her" Gohan replied knowing how vulnerable Nova can be thanks to the witch, but for how long?

However, King Voltar stood up from his throne no longer seeing the need to threat of having his home destroyed by a God that was now in the hands of the Prince Of Saiyans who stood beside his daughter he raised from day one Riaura who was next in line to inherit Voltar's position along side his blood son.

"Now that's been sorted. Why don't we talk about this over lunch? It'll keep the beast contained until we come up with a suitable conclusion" The King suggested getting interest of some as there is nothing better than having a nice brunch while talking about important matters like this.

When the food was prepared Nova was seated beside her father (Goku) confused at what she was looking at as the last meal she remembered was either mushed up or soup due to her illness she was stuck with which causing him to stop and look down at her as she glanced up at him with those beady little eyes.

"Crap!" He thought in a panic almost chocking on his own food when seeing her look at him with such an innocent expression. "Aren't you going to eat, Snowflake? You have to put on those missing pounds if you want any hopes on joining us in training today" Goku responded grabbing and handing her a huge steak as it was bigger than the poor kid and yet she was unsure of what to do with it confusingly pocking at it as if it was an dead animal and yet it was, but cooked and safely eatable. "Look. You do it like this. *holds his own food and takes a bite and rips some meat off from the bone and chews it like a Saiyan would* See its easy!" He said with a mouthful as she was mesmerized by this and did exactly what he did making it far more proud on how strong she has come so far. "That's it!" He praised her before getting back to his meat while Vegeta spoke to the King who was more interested on what the prince had to offer.

"So you want us to join forces and take down Xzander together? Hm. You truly are risky, Vegeta. What is it in for me if I grant you access to my men?" Voltar said seeing how tricky and life threatening this might be towards his people and might decrease the population of his race if without precaution or they'll surely be wipes out of existence if they make one wrong move.

"You might as well be grateful that we're even here or you'll already be dead! As I've heard swell things about you from, Riaura. So the least you can do is to give us you best men you have. The Multiverse is in stake here so your needs are uncounted for because of what your bastard people tried to do to her during the stupid tournament HE created!" Vegeta raised his voice while slamming his fist against the table making it clear to Voltar that this was no choice he can decline or his people will surely die because of Xzander and the immense power he now contains within his immortal body.

"Yes.. I can give you that if it means that my race gets to survive at least an extra 1,000 years. You have yourself a deal as long as you keep her under control" Voltar replied as the two glanced at Nova who was dogging everything she touched down the hatch alongside her father who was racing along not wanting her to take all the good stuff for herself.

"Of course.." Vegeta replied still unsure of how to control a child he hardly knows anything about other than that she has the power to destroy entire Universes or possibly the Multiverse if she deeply desirably wanted to.

When arriving back to Neoma and Ebba revealing what had happened to Nova as she remained clinging to Goku's Gi tightly as he held her up with one hand not allowing anyone here to lay a finger on her while in this weak and yet unstable state.

"Papa.." Nova mumbled not liking it here as expected making him place a hand on the back of her head as she rested her head against his shoulder and yawned growing increasingly tired slowly into a nice comfortable slumber.

"Shh. Just go to sleep, papa isn't going anywhere. Not yet anyway" he replied allowing her to fall sleep on him which was a relief to some as she was surprisingly a heavy sleeper especially when her father is training and that is something no one can sleep through.

"You sure bringing the child here is a good idea, Kakarot? She might have a hissy fit if she wakes up" Vegeta asked not really wanting to take anymore responsibilities for another child again as they're a handful to manage until they're old enough to care for themselves.

"Sure! She's a very heavy sleeper so there's nothing to worry about, Vegeta" He replied before handing her over to Xeno who was shocked and confused on what to do with her as she was fragile and fast asleep. "Hope you don't mind looking after her for me? I kinda needed someone trustful to babysit her until I'm done with training, then after you'll be able to train with us! It's a win-win! Heheh" He added chuckling before heading to the training grounds with his friend and also greatest rival to continue training leaving Xeno in charge with Nova as he never had any experience on babysitting before other than his sister Rin before she grew independent and branched off from the group to find her own destiny.

"What did I get myself into? Even though this is Nova, I have a bad feeling that this isn't going to go well for me at all" Thinking to himself slightly complaining despite having the desire to protect her since the first he saw her in the training realm against Xzander who somehow found them out and almost killed both Nova and Goku by cross dressing as Ebba which was oddly smart in his books, but who knows if he'll do it again.

Later on that afternoon, Xeno was walking through the village with Nova still sleeping in his arm resting against his shoulder while most species grew confused on who's kid this could be and why does he have it? He ignored them as a promise was made and he had duties to fulfill.

Xeno's PoV:

I have to meet up with Aku or he'll surely beat the crap out of me if I show up late again. Well he can't anyway or Goku will kill the both of us. When I arrived to the meeting spot like pure usual Aku could be seen in his white tiger form impatiently swaying his tail about while sitting on a rock minding his business and yet I can stop wondering why he chose to keep his hair so long let alone so braided up? If it annoys him so much why can't he just cut it off?

"Took you long enough" He spoke up before glancing over at me spotting the white haired kid sleeping on my arm and boy was he pissed. "Why the heck did you bring a kid to a fight?! Are you trying to get yourself excavated out of the clan just like your sister was? Cause if you are, then I'm gladly honored of taking your top spot on being Beta male" Aku added as I exhaled agitated by how cocky this bastard had become ever since he tapped into his white tiger form, he's letting all the power go to his head and I'll gladly teach him a lesson on how to really control it.

"If you're going to become two-faced, at least make one of them pretty, runt" I replied purposely insulting him as he growled in anger jumping up from the rock ready to start a brawl, but first I need to get Nova out of the way before I start fighting him.

"You know what?! I don't care anymore! If she gets hurt then that's one you, and when you're gone I'll soon become the one to fill in your shoes and do what no one else could, GET REVENGE?!" He exclaimed darting straight at me full force catching me by surprise not expecting him to act like this, but I need to get her away from here and find the others and kindly hand her back to Goku or he'll surely have my life.

"What are you doing you lunatic? Are you trying to make her dad kill me?!" I replied dodging his attacks as best as I can in my base form since I can't have the white tiger form since I'm not a Toura-jin let alone a half breed I'm a mix between Zire-jin and a little bit of Saiyan, but they always said that I always have something else running through my veins and it gets me wondering sometimes. What really is running through my blood?

I used my body to keep Nova shielded from Aku's relentless and powerful attacks and yet it was true she truly is a heavy sleeper, but I doubt that she can sleep through someone actually attacking her even though he's mainly after me.

"Mmm.." That was good is she actually waking up please tell me that little groan isn't her waking up? I looked down at her leaving my opponent unsupervised putting my entire attention at her seeing both of those eyes begin to wake up as Aku landed an actual attack causing Nova to be sent flying while I used my body as a shield crashing through several trees before finally coming to a halt feeling him come closer to us, but I cannot let Nova get involved with this, not in my affairs these are personal. Sorry Aku. "Papa..?" She questioned before seeing me as I am not the one she should be calling papa... not yet anyway. Kinda sus.

"Crap" I mumbled seeing Aku dashing towards us forcing me to place two fingers on my forehead and use instant transmission seconds before he could hit me again causing me to land straight onto Goku interrupting the fight between him and Vegeta.

"Hey! You way a tone, man. Get off me!" Goku yelled forcing me to stand up with Nova who spotted her dad who saw her and then the state I was in bruised and clearly not in the mood for a laugh. "You look like shit, what happened?" He questioned accidentally cussing in front of Nova who instantly took notice of this as Goku finally took her out of my hands.

"Hahaha, shit!" Nova said with a laugh which was kinda adorable, but the fear on Goku's face made it clear that she wasn't supposed to be saying that, so should I be glad that his wife isn't here or should I be concerned about something else? Vegeta however smirked knowing the outcome of this if either of her parents find out what she learned.

"No! Don't say that. It's a very bad word and you know mama doesn't like them, papa will get in some serious trouble if she finds out" Goku responded in sheer panic as Vegeta chuckled even though she isn't here neither is Neoma so what's the worry?

Nova seemed to understand the situation rather quickly and stop saying bad words that came out of his mouth, but I need to head back and deal with my own problems so Aku, I hope you're ready cause I'm about to whoop your monkey ass.