

"Here, drink this."

I gave Bimbi a [Small Healing Soda], one of the healing items of this VR World. It comes in the shape of a green soda with melon flavor, but it can restore a player's health points.

When she drank it all, her broken arm slowly felt better, and it seemed to have regenerated enough, although it still hurt her.

"There you go."

I ended having to do some first aid for her anyways, wrapping her arm on cloths around her chest so it wouldn't move.

Ah yes, and about her appearance… Bimbi at first glance resembled a human child with dark brown skin, she had long black hair and yellow eyes.

However, once I got closer I noticed she had a lot of fur and her fingers were instead big black claws, and there was fur above them too.

To make things more surprising, she also had large pointy ears instead of human ears, and a small black horn above her left eye.