The Saurian King


At the center of the Wild and Untamed Jungles, there was a large concentration of old and ancient ruins, once overtaken by nature, they had been mostly cleansed of plants and roots, and pavement had been created around the ruins, unifying them once more into what seemed to be a makeshift city.

At the center, a huge pyramid made using large gray stones mined from the ruins was being made by thousands of people, their appearances varying from person to person, but all seemed human-like, with brown skin, yellow or green eyes, sometimes blue, and also fur and claws.

They looked exhausted beneath the strong sun of the rainforest, making things even more difficult. Their legs tied with chains, unable to sprint away if they wanted. Their bodies mostly covered with scars, torture to make them obedient.

"Hahh… Hahh… I-I can't… anymore…"