The Saurian King glared at his subjects and slaves, the many dinosaurs walking around the city and outside of the walls roared in unison before his might, as his powers surged, blue lightning coming from his hands.
"You are here to serve me till your last breath!" he roared. "Now work, and work harder, faster, and more efficiently… NOW!"
By rising his massive, muscular arms and his reptilian claws, an enormous surge of this electromagnetic energy emerged, spreading like chains of lightning around everyone's necks.
The people were rapidly electrocuted, screaming in agony as their dying bodies were being forced to move like puppets.
"Hm~ that's more like it," nodded the white-haired man at the tower, glancing with a pleased smile. "Show them your true power, Girgantes."
The slaves instantly began working harder, moving from one place to another, pushing themselves to their limits until their bones started breaking.