Moving Back To The Cursed Graveyard Where I Was Born


After talking about everything, our teatime was over, Julia insisted on letting us rest for the night before doing anything, as the sun was already setting in the horizon, but I really wanted some hot EXP, so I had to decline.

"Sorry but we are pretty worried about these Undead, we might as well go check them and get that over with… Are you oaky if we purify them or do you prefer that we keep the corpses as intact as we can?" I wondered.

"Well the noble families might complain if they know that their grandparents suddenly dissipated into ashes…" She sighed. "I know it is selfish but if possible, could you try to keep the corpses?"

"Okay, it's gonna be pretty gruesome to get to identify them one by one from who they used to be though, are you sure?"