Raiding The Cursed Graveyard!


"T-That was weird…" Sighed Julia. "But they said he's alright, he just got a cough attack and he can't speak. Maybe he caught a cold?" Wondered Julia as she walked behind us.

"Yeah, maybe that's it." Said Emeraldine. "Have they been in here for a while? They're probably very exhausted!" My beloved elf quickly brought some bullshit to make the scene more believable.

"That's probably it." Said Partner. "They should get some nice rest for now and leave everything to us…"

"Indeed." Said Lucifer. "As a Majin, I don't catch colds and usually I can be on my own even in the cold, but humans are weaker and frailer."

"Haha, you may be right there, Sir Lucifer." Said Julia, as she blushed a little bit by admiring my Dragon's handsomeness. I know he's a handsome stud but girl, make it less obvious you're eyeing my man!