Eugene Versus The Red Hawks (Finale)

"I need to end this fight soon. No, I must knock them out in 15 seconds!"

Eugene, who had backed off from the Red Hawks to take a few breaths in peace, began exchanging moves with them again.

This time, however, while dodging all of their attacks, he landed solid and cruel hits on their vital spots.

As a result, he injured and knocked them out cold.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

One member of the Red Hawks after another fell to the ground with a dull thud.

"Fucking hell! I just realized that we hadn't landed a single hit on him since the fight started."

Gunner cursed himself and his useless teammates under his breath.

"No wonder Kaiser used to say that he wasn't afraid of his enemies but his pig-like homies. Today, after witnessing them failing to even hit a single enemy, I truly understand what he used to feel when fighting someone alongside us."

"You idiot have realized that too late!"

Eugene laughed at Gunner.

Yes, it was too late.

Out of the ten teenagers, all had already slumped down on the snowy ground, sprawled beside pieces of garbage.

"Damn you, Eugene, you two-faced hypocrite!" Gunner hatefully cursed him.

Gunner had welcomed him with open arms when he joined the Red Hawks, but after only three months, he destroyed them and put their boss behind iron bars.

Eugene had betrayed him, fooled all of them, and destroyed their friendships.

Thus, Gunner hated him with a heart.

His hatred for Eugene helped him pull out the sharp kitchen knives he had strapped to his ankles before coming to school and hurl them in his direction.

"I may be a hypocrite, but you guys are royal scums." Eugene acted like he had no sense of danger whatsoever, but in actuality, he was confident that the knives wouldn't be able to reach him.

They were shooting towards him at high speed, but the moment his eyes caught on to their blurry figures, they slowed down so much that Eugene stepped up to catch them in his hands.

As a result of his actions, Gunner became dumbstruck, and his jaw threatened to drop to touch the ground.

"How the heck did you do that?!"

"Didn't one of you long give you the answer? I have superpowers, you dumbass." Eugene played with the knives in his hands before pointing them forward and expressing his intent to hurl them at Gunner.

"Don't do that!"

Gunner begged him not to throw the dagger his way.

"Once I make up my mind, I don't even listen to myself."

However, his word fell on Eugene's temporarily offline ears.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Eugene tossed the kitchen knives back at him, and Gunner pissed his pants.

"Swish, swish!"

The knives brushed past him, creating a cut on both his cheeks.

Gunner fainted where he stood

"From now on, there will be no Red Hawks in this neighborhood!"

Eugene came up to him and gave him a push, causing him to fall to the ground

The moment his body touched the ground, his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

[Ding! You've completed the Quest, "Subdue the Red Hawks, alone.]

[As a result of completing the mission, You've gained the Sword of Full Moon!]

[Sword of Full Moon]

Description: An item picked up by the God of Death in one of his travels around the universe.

Level: 2

Item's rarity: Rare

Durability: 100

Amplification Level: 0/10

Effect 1: Once you equip it, your strength will increase by 5 points.

Effect 2: Once you equip it, your attack speed will increase by 2.5%

Effect 3: If you engage in a battle under a full moon, the benefits provided to you by the first and second effects get doubled!]

Eugene had played the game, so he knew that items had different ranks.

The first rank of an item was Normal, and every item of this rank had at most one effect.

The second rank of an item was Above-Average.

The Third rank was rare.

Every rare item had three effects.

The three effects of the Full Moon Swords were good, considering that it was only a level 2 item.

At least for the current Eugene, it was no less than a rain of fortune.

[Info: You've managed to slightly impress the God of Death in your fight against the Red Hawks!]

[The God of Death slightly admire you because you've defeated 12 humans not too weaker than yourself without letting them hit you even a single time.]

[As of result of impressing the God of Death, you've gained additional rewards.]

[You've gained a Pass to the White Room's trial area & access to the system's secret storage.]

[Pass To The White Room's Trial Area: If you show it to the master of the White room, you might benefit in some way.]

[The additional reward, the Pass to the White Room's trial area, has entered the God's hand-crafted system's secret storage.]

Eugene became happy as he saw that completing this one mission had netted him four rewards in total.

"Are both my items in your storage?" Eugene asked it.

Rebellion: [Yes.]