"We just signed the biggest deal we have dreamed of…"

Mateo continued to berate Alex.

Alex shut his eyes and wondered, 'How long do I have to endure this torture?'

As if the Almighty heard his prayer, his cell phone rang.

He checked the mobile screen and it was from an unknown number.

Without hesitating, he answered the call. "Alex speaking."

"Mr. Alex, I'm Dr. Fuziwoka. This is an emergency," came the voice from the other side of the phone. "Your patient's condition is unstable. Please come here at once."

Alex frowned a little. "If the patient is unstable, shouldn't the doctors take care of it? What can a businessman do?"

Dr. Fuziwoka replied, "Sir, it seems like the patient is desperately looking for you. She is too strong for us to handle. We can't even give her sedatives. Can you please come as soon as possible?"

He sounded restless and exhausted. There was a hint of urgency in his voice.

"I see. I'll be there in a few minutes." Alex hung up and strode toward the parking lot.

"Where are you going? I'm not done talking to you!" Mateo bickered.

"I don't have time for your lectures. I need to get to the hospital."

Alex paused momentarily in front of his black Mercedes-Benz. Then, he took out his car key and unlocked the door.

Mateo stared at him speechlessly before roaring, "Have you just heard a single word I said? I told you to stay away from her!"

"If you are so worried, why don't you become my chaperone?" Alex suggested.

Mateo stared at his friend in disbelief. He wanted to nag more but chose to sit in the passenger seat.

Alex started the engine and drove in the direction of the hospital.

If he didn't go to the ward, he wouldn't understand why Dr. Fuziwoka sounded so restless.

A nameless patient was creating havoc in the hospital ward.

A pink-haired patient was trying to run away and three male nurses and two other female nurses were holding her back.

Dr. Fuziwoka took a syringe and approached the patient.

A pair of glass blue eyes stared at the syringe in terror. Her pulse gradually increased.

When the doctor sanitized her arm to inject the syringe, the patient couldn't take it anymore.

She let out a terrifying scream.


As if a strong wave hit their ears. The nurses and the doctor immediately covered their ears forgetting about the patient in front of them.

Thin glasses around them broke to smithereens. The bulbs shattered into pieces, leaving the room in utter darkness.

The female nurses screamed, horrified by the incident.

Alex and Mateo froze in the corridor. They were just about to go inside the room when the incident occurred.

The two of them covered their ears and squeezed their eyes shut.

The high-pitched sound was extreme. It was as if the sound entered their heart through their ears and shook their core.

Mateo's face turned pale. He was never fond of such acute shrills. He wanted to vomit.

Alex forced himself to open his eyes and glanced in the direction of where the sound came from.

As the bulbs shuttered, the emergency lights turned on. But their power was not enough.

Under the dim light, his eyes locked with a pair of glass blue eyes.

The pair of eyes glittered like gems. The pupils shook violently when they noticed the forest green eyes.

The terrifying shrill stopped almost instantly. The pink-haired patient jumped out of the bed and sprinted toward the door.

Alex was stunned by the sudden course of action. He braced himself to stop the girl from running away.

However, to his surprise, the patient jumped on him. Her legs wrapped around him like a koala and stayed like that.


Alex was utterly speechless. He froze on the spot. He had no idea what to do.

His ears were still buzzing as if a bomb exploded near him.

The second person who recovered from the sound wave was Mateo. Still covering his ears, he opened his eyes and slowly straightened his back.

When he looked at his side to check up on his partner, he froze on the spot. His jaw dropped to the ground.

He dumbfoundedly stared at the human-like koala that was hugging his friend.

Slowly, the doctor and the nurses regained their composure.

Two female nurses had sensitive ears. Their ears bled due to the sound.

Other nurses also had a few cuts due to glass shattering nearby.

The injured nurses left the ward and went to another ward for treatment.

Dr. Fuziwoka wiped away his blood carefully before looking at the patient.

The patient's straight pink hair and clothes were disheveled. He couldn't see the patient's face as her face was buried in Alex's chest.

"I'm sorry that you had to see our unprofessionalism," Dr. Fuziwoka apologized to Alex and Mateo. "Please give her back."

"I'd love to give her back to you, doctor. But what is this? Where did this woman come from and attack my friend?" Mateo demanded an explanation.

Dr. Fuziwoka replied, "I'd love to tell you the answer but I'm afraid I have no information to give you. She is the patient Mr. Alex found in the dark alley.

"She woke up after the ambulance reached the hospital. She was looking around to look for someone. For checkups, we were just trying to give her a sedative.

"We didn't imagine her to scream so loud to bring disaster to the ward. We will send her to another ward and will make sure that her scream won't shatter any more glasses."

Mateo wasn't sure if he should buy Mr. Fuziwoka's explanation.

He stated, "It is unbelievable how six strong people couldn't keep a patient in check. How can a sickly person overpower six strong human beings?"

Dr. Fuziwoka answered, "This is a matter to be examined. We will surely do some tests and let you know the answers."

After a pause, he added, "However, it might not be appropriate to disclose any information regarding the patient. You are not her family, are you?"