"Moreover, I'm hoping to take her to church on Sunday. I will teach her about marriage."

Lucas instantly raised an arm. "Can I tag along?"

"No, you can't," Mateo instantly disapproved.

Lucas refuted, "Come on, man! Lin is talking about Sunday. It's the weekend."

He wasn't wrong. It was Sunday and he didn't have to go to the company that day. He also didn't have any prior engagement.

"Let him go," Alex calmly stated. "Unlike him, we have to go to the hotel to attend a meeting. If he goes with them, he can at least protect them."

"I don't have a problem if he tags along," Xue Lin said.

Lucas grinned. "Then, I'm going."

The next day, the three of them went out.

Xue Lin wore a white t0shirt and light blue denim jeans.

Sakura liked her style and so she insisted on wearing the same but she didn't have clothes like that and Xue Lin's clothes were unfit for her.

When she was feeling depressed, Alex opened a packet and took out a sky blue jumpsuit with white polka dots imprinted on it.

The cloth was similar to Xue Lin's clothes and so Sakura was content.

Lucas wore an orange-colored t-shirt and blue jeans.

The three of them went to the nearby church.

It was a small and simple church. There was a field in front of the church and children often played there.

Xue Lin stood in front of the church and showed Sakura the view in front of them.

"See the woman in the white dress? She is the bride. The man who is hugging her is the groom. They got married today and everyone is happy for them," she explained the situation.

Sakura looked at the bride with a wide open mouth. "Pretty bride! Why is the groom hugging the bride after getting married?"

Xue Lin explained, "That's because the groom loves the bride. They love each other and so they got married. Marriage means swearing loyalty to each other and staying together forever.

"And after getting married, they will live together, have a family together and after growing old together and play with their grandchildren."

While she was explaining the marriage concept, Sakura stared at the bride and groom in awe. No one knew what she was thinking.

They watched the bride toss the bouquet and a bride maid caught it. Everyone cheered and clapped.

After that, the bride and groom drove away while the guests waved at them.

"Shall we go to the park?" Lucas suggested. "I'm craving ice cream."

"I'd like some," Xue Lin said. She realized that her throat was dry. "Please lead the way."

The park was fifteen minutes away from the church. They decided to walk there.

Sakura watched the children playing with balls with great interest.

She pulled Lucas's sleeve and told him, "Lucas, look, the children are playing. It's just like the TV!"

Lucas looked at the children and smirked. "It's fun, isn't it? Do you want to play with them?"

Sakura glanced at him with sparkling eyes. "Can I? This is wonderful!"

"Sure, go ask them. If they like you, they will let you play," Xue Lin encouraged her.

"I'm going!" Sakura ran. She stopped in front of the kids and said bashfully, "Children, can I play with you? I like playing with balls."

The children were around five years old. Three of them were girls and four of them were boys.

When they heard her voice, they stopped playing and looked at her.

Child 1: "Sister, you are already so big. Why do you want to play with us?"

Sakura said, "That's because you are good children. I like playing with good children. Playing alone isn't fun."

She looked dejected when she talked about playing alone.

The children exchanged glances. They grouped and whispered something to each other.

After they finished their meeting, they turned to face her.

Child 2: "Since you like us, we like you too. We will let you play with us. Do you know the rules of football?"

"Football?" Sakura shook her head. "I don't know how to play football."

Child 3: "Let me explain the rules."

Afterward, the children taught her how to play football. Then, they were divided into two groups and played football.

"She is quick," Xue Lin commented as she watched Sakura play with them. "I guess her personality and mindset are similar to a child. That's why she can easily blend in with them."

"Do you meet patients like her often?" Lucas asked.

"Not at all. I don't work with autistics. My patients are interesting." Xue Lin smirked.

"Autistic? Do you think Sakura is autistic?" Lucas was stunned. "But now that you mentioned it, she does look like autistic."

"No, she isn't autistic," Xue Lin denied his claim. "If she grew up in a normal environment and still acted like this, then she would be autistic. However, I strongly believe that's not how she grew up."

"Why do you think she didn't grow up in a normal environment?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not sure if you noticed it. Sakura is quick to learn. She catches up quickly and adapts to the environment.

"Her learning ability is excellent. If she grew up in a normal environment, she wouldn't act the way she is acting now."

When Xue Lin explained her theory, Lucas understood.

He thought of something and asked, "Are you saying she will be ready to date when you teach her about love?"

Xue Lin could understand what he was thinking.

She answered, "I will be teaching her how to adapt to this world and feel and name her emotions. She will learn to love on her own. I don't have to teach her that."

"Looking forward to it." Lucas rubbed his hands.

There was a break. Sakura came running to them.

"Did you see that?! I'm playing with children!" She was thrilled and told them how she felt like playing football with them.

"We will resume playing after a ten minutes break. I'm thirsty," she told them.

"Here," Lucas handed her a bottle of water.

"Thank you." Sakura snatched the bottle from him.

"I was thinking of buying ice cream. Stay here. I'll buy some," Xue Lin said.

After she went to buy ice cream, Lucas and Sakura were alone.

They talked about football and Lucas gave her some tips to snatch the ball from other players.

They were talking when someone approached them.