They were talking when someone approached them.

"Lucas, is that you?" a soft voice spoke.

Lucas and Sakura stopped talking. They turned around and saw a beautiful woman.

Her long black hair danced in the wind. Her eyes were red and swollen as if she cried for a long time.

"Haruhi-chan," Lucas called out. He stared at her bloodshot eyes.

"Lucas…" the girl named Haruhi softly called his name. her eyes landed on the girl beside him.

Sakura looked beautiful standing next to Lucas. They looked like a couple.

Sakura had a curious expression on her face. She didn't seem to understand Lucas and Haruhi's relationship.

"…She is a pretty girl," Haruhi muttered.

"Who? Sakura? Yeah, our Sakura-chan is the cutest and prettiest. Aren't you, Sakura-chan?"

Lucas grinned at Sakura and stroked her head.

Haruhi stared at them with a pained expression.

Her pale lips quivered. Her eyes slowly brimmed with tears.

"Lucas…" she softly called out.

Lucas stopped grinning and looked at her.



Before he could understand what was happening, a tight slap struck his face.

Lucas was dumbfounded. He looked at the attacker.

Tears streamed like a waterfall as Haruhi stared at him in agony.

"Why did you…"

Lucas couldn't understand.

'It was her who wanted to break up with me. I was being sincere. Why did I get slapped by her? And for what reason?'

He held his left cheek. It stung from the slap.

Haruhi wiped her tears and said, "Lucas, we just broke up and you are already with another woman? Couldn't you respect our breakup for a day or two?"

'Is there such a thing as respecting breakup?' Lucas was confounded. 'Wait, where did I get together with another woman?'

He was finished finding a solution to the mystery. Before he could, he was struck with another slap.



Lucas covered his right cheek this time. He turned around to face his attacker.

This time, his attacker was Sakura.

He blankly stared at Sakura. He was baffled.

"I could understand why Haruhi-chan would have slapped me. But why did you slap me, Sakura-chan? I thought we were good friends."

Sakura looked confused after hearing Lucas's complaint.

She said, "You made the pretty lady cry, Lucas. You are a bad boy. Only bad boys make girls cry."

"And how are her tears my fault?" Lucas asked her.

He couldn't believe Sakura just slapped him for a woman she had never met before.

At that moment, they heard Haruhi say, "…Good friends… not a girlfriend?"

"Sorry to break it to you like this but she is the girl my friend adopted. We have become good friends. Her name is Sakura."

While rubbing his cheeks, he continued, "Did you slap me thinking I'm dating Sakura?"

"I…" Haruhi was embarrassed when she realized that she made a mistake. Her face turned red in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry! I'll never appear before you again!"

She bowed and then turned around. She ran away from him without looking back.

"Wait, Haruhi-chan…" Lucas reached out and was ready to go after her.

"What's going on?" Xue Lin asked.

She just came back and saw a woman running away from Lucas and Sakura while crying.

Lucas paused. He recalled his duty. He mustn't leave these two women alone.

"She is… umm…" Lucas scratched his head. "My ex…"

Xue Lin observed his face and then asked, "Did she slap both cheeks of yours? How violent!"

Lucas answered with a gloomy face, "No, she didn't. Sakura-chan slapped my right cheek."

"Why Sakura?" Xue Lin was stunned. She turned to face Sakura.

"He was making the pretty girl cry. Didn't you say only bad boys make girls cry?"

Sakura's honest explanation left Xue Lin speechless.

"What the hell are you teaching her?" Lucas interrogated Xue Lin.

"Nothing much, just the way of the world." Xue Lin shrugged.

Lucas: "…"

'Should I ask Alex to change the psychiatrist?' he pondered.

The children gathered around and called Sakura.

Sakura was delighted. She went to play with them.

At noon, the three of them went to the restaurant to eat.

There, Xue Lin and Lucas taught Sakura how to use knives and forks to eat.

After that, they went back to the apartment.

When Xue Lin was bidding goodbye to going to her apartment, Sakura called out.

"Lin, do you live alone?" she inquired.

Xue Lind didn't know why she suddenly asked that.

She answered, "No, I live with my husband."

"Husband?" Sakura was confused.

Xue Lin remembered that she didn't teach Sakura anything about husband and wife. She only mentioned the bride and groom.

Then, she explained, "The groom I married is my husband. I'm married."

As if she was enlightened by the knowledge, Sakura slightly nodded. "Oh, do you sleep alone?"

Xue Lin was amused by her sudden turn of question. "Not at all. I sleep with my husband."

"Oh, okay."

Xue Lin scanned her expression. Not finding anything in particular, she said, "See you tonight, Sakura."

"See you soon!" Sakura waved her hand.

After Xue Lin left, she went inside the apartment. She looked around but didn't find anyone.

"Where are Alex and Mateo?" she asked.

"They could be busy with their business. Let's not bother them. I'll go to my room. Need to bath."

Lucas yawned and went upstairs.

Sakura followed after him. She passed him and entered her room. After taking a bath, she changed into the clothes that were left on her bed by Alex.

After that, she sat on the chair and opened her color book. She drew today's event.

She drew herself with a couple of children. Next, she drew another picture of slapping Lucas with the pretty girl she saw today.

When she finished drawing three pictures, she decided to show them to Alex.

"I wonder if he likes the pictures," she mumbled.

She took the pictures and went to Alex's room. However, his room was dark and cold.

"Alex, are you here?"

She called for him but he was nowhere to be found. She heard some voices downstairs.

"He must be downstairs, watching TV."

She dashed downstairs and found Mateo in the kitchen. Lucas was at the dining table, playing puzzles.

And Alex was watching TV just as she predicted.

Sakura beamed and sprinted toward Alex. She hugged his neck from behind.

"Alex, I missed you!"

Alex smiled discreetly. He pulled her arm and asked, "Did you have a good day?"

"Yes, I did!" Sakura sat beside him. She leaned her body against him.

Afterward, she showed the pictures and told him what she learned today and how much fun she had with the children.

"I promised to play with them next weekend too," she excitedly told him.

Alex couldn't be happier. "Is that so? That's good for you."

He gently stroked her head.

Sakura's eyes sparkled as she got her head caressed by Alex. She liked it when he did that.

She grabbed his arm and said, "Alex, I want something."

Alex looked at her. "You want something? What? A football?"

Sakura shook her head. "No. It's something else. Alex, let's get married."