Xue Lin had no knowledge about makeup. 

When she was directly asked by Sakura if she knew how to apply makeup, she simply had no idea what to say.

The second person Sakura got close to after finding her was Xue Lin.

Sakura looked up to Xue Lin and admired her for knowing a lot. She admired Xue Lin as much as she admired Alex.

Xue Lin simply didn't want to admit to Sakura that she didn't know how to apply makeup.

"Me? Well…" after thinking for a while she replied, "I think I shouldn't be the person to teach you about makeup… but I have a good candidate in mind."

Sakura's eyes sparkled. "Oh really? Yay! So, who is this person?"


"No," Ge Chen politely rejected but to Xue Lin, his rejection was a bit harsh.

That evening, she came to Ge Chen and told him about Sakura's recent interest and asked him to teach her how to apply makeup.

She wasn't expecting to be rejected before he gave it a thought.