The next day, Sakura eagerly waited for her makeup lesson.

When Ge Chen came to their apartment, she cautiously looked at him.

'What's with his eyes? He acts like he can read a human soul inside out. He is scary,' she thought.

Ge Chen simply looked at her. Without going through any formalities, he said, "Did Xue Lin brief you about the class?"

In return for his answer, Sakura asked, "Do you always call your wife by her full name?"

"…" Ge Chen stared at her without a word, waiting for her answer.

Sakura got her reply from his stare and said, "…Yes, she did."

'I knew he was scary. He can't even call Lin's name sweetly like me. What a bore,' she thought.

Xue Lin washed her face and sat on the chair. 

She explained, "Sakura, my husband will demonstrate how to apply makeup. Today's theme is nude makeup. Did you see the picture on the file I gave you?"