Episode 1. I and School (Revised v1.1)

The sound of alarm from my phone wakes me up, 4:20 AM is written on the screen. I got up from my bed and go to shower and have breakfast. The reason I have to do this is because my brother suddenly asked me to become a teacher at a prestigious school, from an insider, I registered as a teacher there.

I had just finished taking a shower and was greeted by my brother who had already prepared the things I had to carry to school.

"Ready for the first day of teaching?"

His grinning face annoyed me. I ignored him and went straight to the dining table for breakfast.

"Don't ignore me like that! Being a teacher must communicate too often"

My brother mocked me and makes me more annoyed. I draw out an iron sword from my weapon chip and aimed it at my brother.

"Still, as usual, don't say much and always to the point. But...you still can't do it, Rasyid"

"Tch!" I just couldn't do it and sat back down to eat breakfast.

At 05:45 AM, My brother and I went to the school. I don't know what he wanted to do or plan for in early the morning.

"Someone will greet you in front of the gate. She is Erika, she will watch over you, good luck"

My brother gave instructions for what to do while driving. How far had he prepared for this?

We arrived at Podoagung School. I got out of the car and already saw the woman he mentions at the door of the school building.

"Be careful there... If you have a problem tell her!"

My brother said it before leaving me. His car goes to his workplace at the mayor's office, it's far from here.

I walked closer to approach Erika.

"Good morning, are you the one who will become the new teacher at this school? I'm not sure about this... but since this was his(my brother/vice mayor) recommendation, I can't refuse it."

Erika may know that I entered through an insider. I had to be aware of her.

"Yes it is"

"Don't like talk too much? Well then, let's get into the office to organize your data."

Erika took me to the office to register my data. After that, she took me to a dark but wide place.

I feel a bad thing will happen.

A light suddenly on and then I realize, I standing in the middle of a fighting arena where students train and fight. What does she want to do here?

I watch it normally with my straight face. I don't know how normal people react to this.

'This is a surprise party?'

Erika immediately took out a compound bow from her weapon chip and aim it at me.

'Maybe not.' My face is still flat.

"You... no... but Rasyid. I'll test you! Don't you think can go in and destroy the reputation of this school with just help from an insider? I'm really disappointed the vice mayor uses dirty tricks to make his brother work here."

A battle between me and her will begin. So this is the reason? My brother knew they would be suspicious of him. So he asks me to do something I don't want.

A clap from above the podium distracted me. 'That man, is he the principal here?'

He looked down at me.

"I don't know what that person was thinking but I won't let the good name of this school be ruined by him. I, Saiful Baharuddin will judge you! Secretary Erika, you know what you have to do, don't you?"

"Yes, I know my job." Erika readied her bow and will shot me anytime.

I took out the Iron Sword from my weapon chip.

The headmaster's laughter sounded from above. "Hahahaha what do you want to do with that toy?"

I ignored his laugh and readied my body to face the opponent that stands in front of me instead care for him.

"Well, then...3...2....1...Fight"

The principal gave up mocking me and give both of us a signal to begin the battle.

Erika seems underestimated her opponent too much. 'It's not that her weapons are weak? That means she is more use magic than her weapon'.

I tried to slowly approach her but it seemed like my steps were stopped by the fire barrier that accidentally appear in front of me.

'So she didn't underestimate her foe but she made her foe underestimate her'. A very good tactic for a young teacher like you.

I applied a water elemental to my sword and slashed at the barrier. The barrier is gone after I slash it.

"You're great" I praise her with a flat expression.

"Don't be a careless fool!"

She shot an arrow straight at my head. But I already see it coming and just tilted my head to dodge the arrow.


She tried again, this time she combined it with magic.

3 lightning arrows shot out from her bow.

I switched my sword element to ground and quickly parry that arrows. The arrows bounced everywhere.

I slowly walked closer to her. Erika was given no time to be surprised. She had to quickly think of her next move.

She shoots a fireball at me using her left hand. I held it back using my sword which I returned it to water element.

As I walked closer Erika kept throwing fireballs and electro balls at me.

She couldn't believe what she see. A man that only needs to use low-level magic to fend off all high-level magics.

Our distance is getting closer, I prepare to slash her but Erika doesn't give up yet.

She uses rain arrows as her last blow. Her bow was pointed upwards to readying it. But it's all matter of speed, I had to slash Erika's body before she did.


My sword slashes her.


Erika's body fell unconscious indicating that she had lost. If only I was a little late, I might lose to her. Erika's unstable emotions caused her to be slow to execute her magic.

That principle couldn't believe what was happening, but he still being professional.

He finally declared the victory.

"The winner is Rasyid!!!"

Erika woke up from her unconscious. She smiled at me while giving me a thumbs up. I smiled back at her and reply her with my thumb up.

I managed to pass as a teacher in this school. I feel lucky right now.