Episode 2. Explore the School (Revised v1.1)

A clap is heard from the podium. Saiful the principal of this school walked down from there.

His mustache, beard, and big body gave me a scary feeling when he walk closer to me.

He gives a handshake to my hand

"You passed the exam! I'm sorry for doubting the Vice Mayor's choice. You're great, hehehe."

I reply his shake and smiled.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Saiful"

"Just call me Bahar. That's better to hear"

Mr. Bahar smiled and then he looks at Erika.

"Erika! From now on, you become his supervisor...hahaha" Bahar gave an order while laughing and touching my shoulder.

"What?! Aren't you say-"

"That was a different thing, but now look! He really suited for this job, isn't he? He can even beat you without any difficulty"

I couldn't help but smile wryly at the two of them. Erika's face was shocked in disbelief.

"Well, I'll leave everything to Erika, see ya. hahahahaha!" He says that by showing his white tooth.

With that, the principal left me and Erika who was still gaping in disbelief with a happy face.

"Ahh, you damn old man!" Erika grasped her hand and faced it to the place where Mr. Bahar left.

It seems she forgot me.

"Um...now what?" I asked Erika who was still emotional.

"Now go to class 10 Physical 1! if you have done, back to the teacher's room!" She scold me and left.

I tried to go to the class as she said. It is located on the 2nd floor near the office, only separated by a student exit from their bicycle parking lot. I tried to go in and explore through the class. Like a regular class, there are two chairs placed close together and 2 computers at each table. One table for 2 students. A digital board that already uses touch screen technology is attached to the front of the class.

I went out and looked around the school. Classes are divided into 2. Magic and physical levels. There are 5 physical classes and 4 magic classes for each school year. In the middle of the school, there are 2 fields. The first field in front of the classroom that I teach is for ceremonies and other formal activities and the second field in the west of my classroom is used as a competition arena, the place I fought with Erika earlier. To the west is a park where students spend their break time. Located to more west is the school canteen. This school has a rectangular shape. I won't get lost.

There is no activity anymore, I tried to go to the teacher's room. The students have started to arrive. They carry all kinds of weapon chips. But I can tell that their weapons are easily destroyed by high-level magic attacks.

The students seemed to realize that I was a stranger so they seemed confused when they saw me wandering around the school.

In the front of the teacher's room, I met a young man waiting for something. When I approached him, he greeted me.

"Hi, are you Mr. Rasyid?"

"hmm, yeah..."

"So you are, huh...(while holding his chin). I hope you like this school." He left me with a smile.

What is this bad feeling?

I opened the teacher's room door. I saw Erika having a chat with another female teacher, I try to ignore her and looked at the names on the tables looking for mine. My desk is in the far left corner in front of the digital board.

What will happen now? While filling my spare time, I open my phone.

Footsteps came towards me. One of the teachers came to greet me.

"Are you the new teacher here?" A short woman with a twin tail blonde-haired greeted me.

"Yeah, are you too?"

"Exactly! You and I are the people who were chosen to be teachers here" While snapping her fingers, she looks proud of her achievements, her eyes are shining.

"Isn't that great?! We were selected from 100 teachers who applied here!" She said energetically.

"By the way, I'm Tasya. It's not good if only me who know your name, Rasyid."

Her face was close to mine with smiling. I reflect moving back my face. I feel hate in myself while looking at her.

"How could you know my name?"

"Your name is written here (pointing to my desk)"

"Sorry, I forgot."

"Hahaha... your face is so flat. Hopefully, we can be enjoying our job as teachers here." Tasya left me and greeted the other teachers.

She's the opposite of me.

The school bell rang signaling the start of class. When I came out I saw Erika waiting for me.

"Remember, I'm doing this only because of my duty, okay?" She said it while crossing her arms and turning her face away from me.


I forgot that she was my supervisor. But let it be, I went to 1st year physical 1 class with ignoring her. She suddenly opened her eyes and was surprised.

Is she got sad because of that?

"Hey! Don't just leave me behind!"

"Weren't you the one who asked me to go first?"

"Haaa?! How could you...?! I'll avenge you soon!"

I walked with tried ignoring her, but Erika still tried to walk beside me with an annoyed face. The nostalgic feeling I once remembered made me smile.