Episode 24. Incident at School, Tasya

Point of View: Marika Tasya

I sat on the bench while realizing how weak am I.

'I have promised to you all... I'll show you how mighty am I... My birth is not a mistake... I'm not a failure.' I scream in my heart.

In my family, I was the child without no one caring. They always call me the unwanted child. In the past, they only wanted 2 children, but I accidentally was born.

My parents raised me without the care parents should be. They just give me anything without thinking if it was good or not for me

Jealousy always surrounds me whenever I'm at home. Every time I came home, no one greeted me, every time I left, I don't have someone to greet, and every time I ate, no one smiled at me. All smiles and affection are only given to both of my brothers.

I am being isolated in this house. My two brothers didn't want to have anything to do with me, they didn't bully me, but they just thought I didn't exist.

One day, at dinner a week before the teacher test. I brave myself to declare that I wasn't a failure.

But now, all of the words I say that day was gone, and now I even lose in the first match.

"Why?!" I asked myself.

"Even though I've been training hard! Sis Erika and Mr. Rasyid have even helped my development! But why am I still failed?!" I scold myself.

My voice cannot be heard by the others due to the loud cheers of the audience. I looked at the field, at that moment I was surprised.

"Sis Erika?!" I called the person's name.

The person who had trained me is poorly lied in the arena. With Anitya's power, her wound should heal quickly. The security guards took her away on a stretcher to the infirmary.

I hurry walked to the infirmary to meet her. While on the way, I met 2 other teachers.

"Mr. Samuel and Mr. Xander! Do you want to see Sis Erika?" ask me.

They both nodded and the three of us walked to the infirmary together.

When we got there, we saw Sis Erika's body lying on the bed. She looked at me with a weak smile.

"Oh, you guys... Come in!" Erika told us to enter in a weak voice.

We walked and stood around her bed.

"What happened to you? There is something wrong to see you lose while fighting her." Samuel asked.

"I'm sorry (stare to another place)... I was taken by her words."

"There is something wrong when that happens to you, especially if it's Fredrica. Don't you already know how she is?" (Xander)

"That time, her word is so sharp, her word makes me want to destroy her at once, but that anger makes me lose... lol."

"What Sis Fredrica say could make you like that...?" I ask.

"Nothing big, she just- (cut off by a knock on the door).


Mr. Rasyid came to the infirmary with a confused look on his face. I saw Erika's face who suddenly pretended to be asleep. The other two teachers seemed to immediately understand what Erika's problem was. If so, then the problem of this all is...(while watching the man who just gets in.)

I turned to the person who had just arrived. The person immediately walked over and asked what happened to Sis Erika. My mouth suddenly opened and talk.

"When fighting Fredrica, Erika was constantly being called a whore. She said that because Erika suddenly approached you, a person with direct connections from the vice-mayor." I said that with a straight face with sadness enveloping me.

All the teachers were shocked but I let it be. Then, Mr. Samuel quickly brought Mr. Rasyid out to talk privately. He did not want the situation to get worse because of me.

"You should calm your mind first..." said Mr. Xander while scolding me by whispering it to me.

"Sorry, I'm trying to understand the situation." I turned my eyes away from Mr. Xander's gaze.

"Never mind, leave it alone. Mr. Samuel will take care of this." Mr. Xander touched his forehead by shaking his head.

.... Silent appears in that place.

"Hey, why when in the arena... You really want to win?" Mr. Xander asked in the infirmary.

I quickly understand what he talking about.

"I just wanted to prove..."

"Prove to whom?" (Xander)

"Someone who never thought if I existed."

"Do you mean your family?"

"....(fall silent)"

"I take your silence as the answer yes."


"I don't know what troubles you have with your family, but I will support your fight. Your hard work will definitely pay off."

"Hmm(nods). Forgive me, but I have failed."

"This is just the beginning (closing his eyes)... you can't just give up... Your enemy, Mr. Nurdin rarely gives respect to his opponent. But when fighting you, he salutes you before leaving the arena. That means your training wasn't a waste."

"Is that true...?"

I try to ask, but...

"Looks like the two of them are done, let's go out from here. We'll give Rasyid and Erika a time (smiles)."

"Hmm (smiles nodding)."

The two of us left the Infirmary and walked past Mr. Samuel and Mr. Rasyid. I walk somewhere to be alone.

I sat looking at my past. Is this already done? I hope not.

I sat there for about 1 hour.


An explosion brought me back to reality. I came out of the toilet and looked out. There are many strange creatures made of elements.

"What the Hell is that?" Horror flashed across my face.

One of the creatures walked closer, and a creature resembling a tiger made of fire. That creature starts to attack the students around here. The students tried to fight it with their magic and pageblug.

"There are many of us, don't be scared! Use the water or earth element to defeat it! Those who have that element, come and fight with me!" One of the students took the lead.

The students charged forward with their magic and weapons. The tiger did not feel pain at all, instead, he burned those who were close to him.

"Arghhh! It is Hot... Hot!"

The students who attacked using melee were burned alive. They may not die, but the trauma from the pain may remain in their mind.

I gripped my hand that holding my pageblug tightly. 'I won't fail for a second time!' A whip was formed from my pageblug.

I waved my whip from a distance and made a rain of sand to extinguish the fire that burned the students.

"That thing scared me off!" the students that were burned began to retreat in fright after feeling burned alive.

The tiger will not just stand still there while watching its victims running, it scratch one of the students who tried to run away from behind. He tore the poor student's body. That horror must not stop me, I must fight it!

I ran over to the tiger when the distance was close enough for me. I take a dance pose and twist my body and my whip. A tornado from the ground formed from my dance. The tiger was thrown by that and I managed to save the student.

"Back off!" I stopped my dance and order the student.

"All those with earth element attack first! Then continue with water! Got it?!"


I took command, and the student didn't mind it and following to my command.

The students shot various kinds of earth magic at the tiger who was lying down after I threw it.

"Now, shot the water!"

A fusion of dozens of water magics shot towards the tiger that was already buried by the ground. The fire from the tiger was fading away. Now the mud has covered the tiger.


The students cheered after seeing the fire from the tiger extinguished. But I'm still worried, we've never seen such a creature.

"You are great ma'am! Thank you!" The student who gave the command at the beginning thanked me in a loud voice.

"Eh... It's nothing really? Hehehe" I suddenly realized, that my tone returned to normal.

Despite failing in the arena, I was able to save those students was already enough for me. Isn't that is why I becoming a teacher?

When the student returned,


The tiger is out of the mud and tries to attack another student.

"I won't let it!" I saw it reflexively and waved my whip which I didn't mix any magic with.

Surprisingly the creature suddenly split into 2 and scorched to dust.

"Woah?! That was a close call!" The student fell.

"Relax, I will protect you all!" My smile returned, I was too focused on my desires and forget the most important thing here.

The students cheered for me. Think of me as their savior.

I still don't understand, why did the tiger split?