Episode 25. Incident at School, Xander and Samuel

Point of View: Earl Xander Xander

I saw Rasyid walking to the toilet with closing his mouth with his own hand. What happened to him? Is he dejected?

"Mr. Xander, it looks like something was rejected," Samuel said that while turning his face towards the toilet that Rasyid uses right now

"That's not the case, he just feels nausea." I cleared up Samuel's misunderstanding.

"Ehhhh?! Then he looks at Erika with a disgusting face?" Samuel was thinking too far.

I hold my forehead.

I don't know what to say anymore to this foolish muscle and fighting maniac to understand what I say.

"Forget about love, let's meet Rasyid!" Just get to the point.

We both walked toward the toilet. The sound of people vomiting while holding in pain was heard from inside. I tried to enter and found an unusual sight.


Rasyid's body is shrouded in 8 elements of Anitya. Within seconds his body state changed from burning, cold, wet, electrocution, windy, fast motion (light), and slow-motion (darkness).

"Mr. Rasyid!" Samuel ran towards that poor man.

"Holy sheet! Your condition is so terrible!" I followed Samuel's direction.

Rasyid groaned in pain and then his body accidentally exploded. 8 elements came out of his body and scattered throughout the school. Two elements, light and darkness are in front of us. The golden squirrel(light) and the black Buffalo move around the two of us.

"I don't know what's going on, but we better get this over with as soon as possible!" I took out pageblug and activated it.

I gave my rapier the power of light because I thought it was the right element to fight it.

"So this is our showtime!" Samuel took out a rifle from his pageblug.

My magic power is weak, but I am already an expert on using this rapier. As for Samuel being at the mid-level, let's hope he doesn't waste too much energy if his magic.

The buffalo release a thick smoke into the toilet. Everything that was hit by that smoke is slowed down, but the squirrel in front of me wasn't affected because of its element. It is the light itself, it is against the smoke with the light in its body. I looked at Samuel, but his body already slowed down.

"Hold your position!" I slashed Samuel's body to give him light magic on his body.

"Wow... My speed is back to normal?! Thank you very much, sir" Samuel looked at his hands which had returned to their original speed.

But because I gave him a little of my light-power, I instantly couldn't cast light magic other than to endure the darkness.

"Samuel! You beat the buffalo! I'll face the squirrel! I can't use light magic to attack, so if you lose, we're done!" I told him my strategy and condition.

"Ez! I won't lose to this ugly creature!" Samuel with a happy laugh ran towards the buffalo.

"Now let me fight you!" I pointed the rapier at the squirrel, darkness enveloping my weapon.

I ran to stab the squirrel, but its speed was not a joke. It was suddenly climbing over the sink and shot a golden bean at me. When the bean got close to me, the bean began to explode and the sharp pieces of that bean become scattered and shredded my skin.

"Never knew that the light element is originated from gold." I endured its attacks and gained new experiences from this battle.

So far the light element that I know is only to give speed to self or others. Many say the light element is only suitable for fighters who rely on 100% of their fighting ability instead of magic. Many also consider this element useless because it only provides support.

"I see now! If the light comes from gold then darkness comes from something like charcoal." I strengthened the darkness on my rapier.

"This should be enough!" I slashed my weapon from afar.

3 black waves aimed at the squirrel. It tried to dodge, but its speed already dropped drastically even before the waves hit it. After getting hit by it, the black smoke suddenly surrounded it.

'Now is the chance!'

"Samuel shoots him!" I looked back and called out to Samuel who was fighting.

Unfortunately, what I saw when looking at the back wasn't him. Samuel's body fell to the ground like a loser. What was behind me right now was the buffalo. It walked slowly towards me.

"No way?! Are you kidding me?! Looks like we are defeated by them." I closed my eyes, there was nothing I could do.

All my efforts will be in vain even if I attack both of them.



The Squirrel and Buffalo charged at me with their own attacks.

"CODE NAME: BAJING, REMOVE CORE! CODE NAME: KEBO, REMOVE CORE!" The voice of the old lady carrying the red, purple, and brown crystals came from the entrance of the toilet.

The two creatures fell and disappeared into dust and dropping a yellow and black crystal from their bodies.

I looked at that old lady. Beside her, there is a man who was definitely her son.

The old lady brought that 2 crystals from the creature that was destroyed by her, flying towards her hand.

Her familiar face immediately reminded me.

"So this is your doing? Mrs. Mayor!" I frowned at her.

"No, it happened because of your friend who exploded earlier." She shook her head.

"What? What Rasyid really is?" I asked with a frightened face.

"Help me get the body out of here first." Nova fused 5 crystals in her hand.

A body was created from those crystals.

"Rasyid?!" My face was shocked.

Rasyid's body that had exploded and disappeared has returned to its original form.

"He's still losing consciousness because his core isn't full yet. Ask your friends to help to take this body to the hospital!" Nova looked at me with a scary look.

She seemed very worried about Rasyid.

"Okay!" I agreed without asking further.

Nova went out to look for Rasyid's other core. But before that, she turned her face to me before leaving.

"Earl Xander Xander, I on behalf of Nova Sana, ask you to keep quiet about this! You know what will happen if you deny it, right?" Nova's eyes lit up on that dark day.

Harsh punishment will be imposed on anyone who denies her word.

"Wait a minute!" I asked her to stop but she ignored me and left Rasyid's body lying unconscious under my care.

"You damn old lady!" I hit the floor in annoyance.

My name as a Xander has lost its honor in front of that old lady. I who was being respectful become immediately furious just by looking at her face.

"I have to calm myself down first!" I hit hard on my own cheek.

Now I have more important things to do now. I have to take care of Rasyid who still sleeps without his soul.

"Samuel! Wake up you useless muscle maniac, Samuel!" I slapped his cheek so hard.

"Auch Auch Auch! I'm awake-I'm awake!" He held my slap.

"Good! Then help me lift Rasyid's body into my car and take him to the hospital!"

"What about the fight?! Did you manage to beat them?!" Samuel looked around.

"Yeah(nods)... I beat them." I lied to make this over quickly.

"That's great! Earl is really amazing! It can even beat 2 opponents at once." His eyes shone in praise of me.

I looked at him with a blank expression. 'This all happened because of you, you damned useless muscle maniac!'

"Hehehehe..." Samuel closed his eyes and scratched his hair as if he realized what I was saying to myself.

"Forget it, let's take Rasyid's body to the hospital!" I saw Rasyid's body who had passed out without a soul.

We walked in silence through the school to my car. It would be weird if the two of us were caught carrying people in aftermath of this incident.


I closed the door of my car with Rasyid's body in the back of the car.

"Actually, what was happened? Why is Rasyid like this? Is refusing someone's love really that painful?!" Samuel asked me as I walked into the car.


Both of us got into the car and drove from school to the hospital. On the way, I answered his questions. "Possibility like that, many things can be beyond reason when it comes to love," I answered it in a funny way.

"I hope you don't experience that too." Samuel mocked me.

"I have no comment if you talk about my engagement plans." I'm also having a problem like that, there's someone I'm in love with right now. However, a political engagement messed it up. Even though I'm a prince who is allowed to have polygamy, my good name will be looked bad if I do something like that. Media are the most terrible creatures in this world.

We managed to get Rasyid to the hospital without any problems. When we got out of the car, another car was chasing us. A black car with a red plate, there's no doubt that it was owned by him. Rizki Kamil, the elder brother of Rasyid and Vice Mayor of Ningru City, had brought 3 crystals in his hand and walked towards me.

"Thank you for helping my brother." He bows at me. "Can I get a way to put these crystals into his body?" He asked my permission to see his brother.

"Yes." I walked to the back door of my car and opened it.

Rizki walked over to his brother's body to transfer the crystal into Rasyid's body. The crystals flew into Rasyid's body. His heartbeat was back and bring him back to life, but he was still unconscious. His brother who realized it immediately walked back to his car and left us.

"Where's Nova? How could the crystals be on you? Didn't Nova was the one who collected them?" I stopped him.

"She is busy right now, so she gave it to me." He left without saying another word.

"What does this mean, Xander?" Samuel asked me in confusion.

"I don't know either..." I fell to my knees in my ignorance of what was going to happen to my surroundings.

What will actually happen? My name as Earl and the Xander is being tested.