Episode 26. Incident at School End, Doni Kusuma

I walked beside my mother heading out of school, there was nothing else to do any more here. The teacher test is not our concern, but Rasyid's victory that we seek. Even without seeing how the fight going, we believe he will win.

We headed to the school's parking lot at where my black jeep was parked. While opening the door for my mother, I asked something to her. "Why don't we watch him till the end? It's better to do than just sitting at your office, mom!" I asked while holding the car door.

"If you are sure that Rasyid will be won, then there is something to prepare, am I right?" My mother stopped in front of the car door and looked at me coldly.

"Do you really try to tell the truth to him?!" My eyes widened knowing what she mean.

"I do! A promise is a promise." My mother lowered her head.

I turned my face away from her with a sigh.

"But I still don't believe if he can. If emotions affect his power, shouldn't we let him know one by one?" I let go of my grip on the door and shrugged my shoulders.

"Neither I nor that kid doesn't know what emotions really are. That man completely destroyed not only his emotions but his soul as well." My mother looked up at the sky while mentioning someone.

"But that what is the vice mayor is trying to do? He brings his brother to work in that school to bring his little brother's emotion back." I object to my mother's idea.

"Maybe you're right, but... is that kid can really love someone again?" My mother now mentions the incident.

"I huh-(cut off by a big booming sound)


"What happened?!" I was suddenly startled by an explosion sound from inside the school.

My mother looked in the direction of the explosion. She couldn't hide her surprised face, but she quickly put on a serious expression. "Looks like you're right this time, my son." My mother complimented me while fixing her glasses.

I saw the 8 elements split across the entire school, now I realized what it meant. Rasyid tries to fight his past, but ends up failing and falls to pieces.

"8 elements spread, means there is indeed a chance, ma'am!" I screamed and accidentally touched my mother's shoulder so hard.

"Where is your manner to your mother?!" My mother let go of my grip. "That kid still can't fight his past, but just this time, I will follow your words, son." My mother took out her pageblug and a magic wand was formed from the chip.

A meteor-like object will fall on us. "Something is coming!" I ran to catch my mother and carried her to get away from where the meteor will fall.

A lightning dragon and an earth tortoise emerged from the meteorite. Their bodies were shrouded in extremely viscous elements aura. That aura makes a dragon can even destroy a thick wall of ground even when everyone knows it was something impossible.

I lowered my mother and walk slowly toward those monsters while activating my pageblug, a double-edged axe was formed.

"This is easy, I can fight both of them!" I raised my axe on my shoulder.

"No need to fight it! Do minimal damage at this school!" My mother screeched from behind.

I suddenly stopped walking and turned to look at her. "Why?! Isn't it dangerous if you let them go? If you have trouble with compensation, let me pay for it!" I'm babbling.

"You insolent child!" My mother walked forward and hit me on the head with her wand.

A terrible feeling was suddenly felt after I was hit by the stick.

"What are you going to do, Mom!" I asked looking at my mother who walked over to the creature casually.

"Just watch and learn!" My mother said casually even though she was currently facing something very strong.

She pointed her wand to them and cast a spell that resembled a code. "CODE NAME: NAGA, REMOVE CORE, CODE NAME: KURA-KURA, REMOVE CORE!" My mother raised her shining wand upwards.

The two creatures immediately groaned in pain as their bodies were reduced to dust. Fastly, those 2 creatures vanished without a trace leaving only the crystals from their bodies.

The crystal flew to my mother's wrist.

"What really happened?" I didn't know something like that could be done.

My mother turned to me slowly. "Anitya has always been neither a magic experiment nor a human evolution. It's a biological weapon that someone control over them, if the person who controls Anitya wants to kill a person who uses Anitya. They just enter a code and that person not only loses their magic power but also loses their immortality. They will return to the fragile and weak like they used to be from." A smile appeared on her face.

I moved back with a frightened face. "So all this time, you sent Rasyid to executed someone in that way?" I remember when I was wondering how Rasyid could kill someone under Anitya's protection. Now everything was revealed in front of my eyes.

"Hmm." My mother nodded.

We were both silents without a word to say. My surprise still haunts me.


The sound of a tiger is heard from the school. My mother looked at the source of the sound and ran quickly. I followed her and tried to carry her, it would be strange if people saw an old lady who was more than half a century old running fast.

"Thank you." My mother accepted the help I gave.

We stopped near a crowd of students battling a tiger. A short female teacher with blonde twintails had managed to fight off the tiger.

"Still not yet," I said that while putting my mother down. The tiger can still stand.

"Let me finish it!" My mother stamped her wand and said the same thing. "CODE NAME: MACAN, REMOVE CORE." Fastly, the tiger that was about to scratch the careless student disappeared.

Fortunately, that thing happened when the short teacher waved her whip to the tiger. It would make her like the one who has to defeat it.

"It seems the students will think that the teacher was the one who managed to beat that tiger." I crossed my arms with a smile.

"Leave it alone, just go to the next location!" My mother pulled 3 crystals from the fight.

Why there are 3 crystals? Is she just defeated one, right?

"Where?" I honestly don't know the location of those creatures.

My mother pointed toward the teacher's toilet. I rubbed my eyes to make sure my mom wasn't joking. Again I looked at my mother, but she was still looking at me and pointing to the toilet.

I sighed and carried my mother to the front of the toilet. Two people are battling a creature in the form of a squirrel and a buffalo. One of the people had lying on the floor, leaving one person surrounded by those creatures.

My mother immediately did like before. Those two creatures disappeared and the crystal was taken by her.

I didn't really understand what my mother was talking about to that male teacher. All I know is that she fuses the crystals and makes Rasyid's body back from his original form. She and that man talking about something important because the one she was talking to was a royal prince.

I accidentally remember who is that man is. Of course, he was a prince, how could I forget it?

We left those 2 people and walked to the next location. This time my mother refused to carry me and chose to walk slowly to the last place.

We entered a cafeteria that had been damaged by the traces of an elemental beast attack. We saw the mess the creature had wrought.

"Even though it's only one elemental creature, the damage is very horrible." I looked around the cafeteria which was already a mess.

"That's it! The last crystal." My mom pulled it.

"Wait! What are you two doing!" A teacher with a flying sword come to us.

"Just looking at the damage to the cafeteria..." I laughed forcefully while scratching my hair.

"Calm down my son ... If you don't like it. Then we can just go." My mother walked out of the cafeteria because everything she needed was done.

I followed her out of the place. The man could only look on with a confused expression.

"Hey! You guys really don't do anything?!" The teacher shouted loudly.

I pointed my axe in front of him. "Don't ask too many questions! We're really mad, right now!" I scold the teacher while showing my business card.

The teacher immediately turned off his pageblug and stepped back, not wanting to mess up any further.

On the card, it says that I am the head of the insurance group. That way, he immediately understood the purpose of our arrival. Although that's not really our goal.

For some reason, when I came out, one of the black-haired female students caught my attention. Not that I like her, but I feel a lot of Rasyid's energy has entered her body.

While on the way to the parking lot, my mother stopped her step. Someone in a black suit received a crystal from my mother. His long hair immediately made me realize, that he is Rizki.

"Since when, you have come here?" I was surprised, but he just looked at me not answering.

He turned around and went to his car and then left us.

My mother lowered her head with her eyes closed. "Leave it alone, we better not interfere their family matters anymore." My mother walked to my jeep.

I followed her without further questioning.