Episode 28. Teacher Test pt.6

At 8 AM in the morning, a teacher test began in the town square. The competition between a group of teachers that were originally held at the school was moved here for some reason. Now their fight will also become public entertainment.

I looked around this stadion that originally was a town square from this seat. It seems that the local folk dominates the seats more than the students or the teachers. At times like this, crime will be easy to act. The policemen were put on stairs between the seats. CCTV has also been prepared in every corner, and every movement of the peoples in this place have been watched from the above.

"I can't wait to see who will advance to the final round!" Sophia who was sitting beside me raised her hand excitedly.

Our sitting position is still the same as before, the teacher and students in the same class must sit close together so that it is easy to group them.

"No need to think too far, the one who will appear in the final must be 3rd-year teachers like before, am I right?" Steven relaxed his body.

"Yeah, the teacher from the other class has never made it to the finals. At most, it's only up to the semi-finals." Gita shrugged his shoulders while laughing remembering how weak the teacher from the lower year was.

"Last semester's teacher test, the only teachers from lower years who could enter the semi-finals were only Mr. Xander, Miss Erika, and Miss Fredrica. Like always happens, those 1st-year class and 2nd-year class teachers were defeated by 3rd-year class teachers before the semi-finals." Hakam crossed his arms.

"I hope this time is different. Miss Erika's defeat makes me even more worried about this match." Moka's face was gloomy.

My student are in sorrow, and I as a teacher have to relieve them.

"Do not worry my student(smiles)..., Did you all not see how strong am I?!" I raised my gripping hand.

This is just to make them feel relaxed, I don't have other motives.

The students looked at me in confusion. But then, they were laughing at me.

"Hahahaha, you are indeed fast, but it is impossible to beat a 3rd-year class just by relying on speed." Stevent laughed until his glasses nearly fell off.

"They, the 3rd-year teachers like to play dirty. You can't even defeat the weaker of them, sir!" Hakam seems to have forgotten the favor.

"Don't act like a white knight of justice... my stomach got hurt just because of your joke." Moka laughed cheerfully forgetting what I had done to his family at that time.

By the way, is she still living with her adoptive parents or is she living in a rented house?

From of the 30 students of me, only Sophia and Gita who didn't laugh. They both already know how strong I am, they even know my true strength.


The President greeted the audience from inside an airplane that was floating above the town square.

Bahar's voice continued to heard for about an hour, then the president got off the ship and gave a speech.

I always forget what they say, more like I don't care about their speech.

After the welcome speech from the president, the match will finally start.


The names of the 3rd-year teachers who were going to fight the previous winning teachers were finally seen. I looked in my section column. A name that should have been my dessert became my appetizer.

"You have very bad luck, Sir." Stevent held his glasses with a mocking smile.

Messages from my cellphone came, and the 1st-year physical teachers were worried about me. Looks like my opponent is really strong, that's why he's feared by them.

Kasuarta Lodo, ​​from what I remember, he is a skinny old teacher in class 3 magic 2. If he is really strong, then my popularity will rise if I beat him, but I don't want it. On the other hand, I also have to win to complete this mission.

'I want to go from this damned place!'


The digital board started shuffling the names. The names keep changing, but it won't change who we will fight.


The board stops shuffling.

"Gosh... So this is what they say. 'Everyone has their bad luck day.'."

I was surprised but still will not make the audience wait any longer.

I stood up, my students could only pray that I would survive.

"Hope you don't go to the hospital again, sir!" Moka prays to me.

I opened my phone, and a message popped up there.

(Good luck, Rasyid. From Erika Rahmana.)

Even though it was just a message, I could see her sincere smile from her message. I felt happy and walked to the center of the arena with a burning spirit.

My mission and my promise soon will be complete.

"So you are going to be my opponent? Too bad you have to fight me, at least getting past the early rounds can make you safe from positions 5th and 6th." The old man smiled condescendingly.

"Don't worry, because I will not hold back to you!" I said honestly as I activated my pageblug.

"Of course, who the hell will hold back in the fight?! You will regret it if you do that, but remember kid, it is impossible to beat me. My experience is longer than you all!" He boasted while activating his pageblug.

A card-shaped weapon came out of his pageblug.

"BOTH FIGHTERS ARE READY?!.... THEN... READY..... START!!!!" Bahar gave the signal.

"Let's play a little game!"

Lodo throws his 3 cards forward. A giant swarm of fireballs spun around those 3 cards, the balls spun around and headed towards me.

I strengthened my water element into my right hand. When the fireballs got close to me. I fastly hit the ball with my hand, and a great slash of water pierced the fire vortex and vaporized it.

"Oh hohoho, you're great, even though you're a physical type fighter but you're good at magic too. It's rare for that to happen. Then can you hold this?!" Lodo praised me and prepared for his next attack.

He threw 5 cards forward and stood about 5 meters away from me. A cloud of black smoke emitted from the card, if hit it would slow down my movement.

I stayed where I was, darkness type attacks weren't very effective if the enemy could flip it with light or if they can hold their breath.

Water magic covered my nose. Hiddenly, the water will filter all the smoke that enters my nose.

I advanced and prepared to slash at Lodo's body. I can't linger on this battle, time is running out. 1 minute has passed, and now only 4 minutes are left.

I ran through the cloud of smoke and pass through it.

The audience was amazed after seeing my action.

"What?! How could that be?!"

I emerged from a thick cloud of black smoke and appeared suddenly in front of him.


Lodo managed to dodge my attack but it wasn't perfect. His left hand was cut off from being a fraction of a second late.

"Akhhhhh! My hands!!! You damn teacher! I'll finish this quickly!! No more playing around!" Lodo groaned in pain and took out 30 cards and make them float around him.

A bunch of cards flew around Lodo's body, slowly the cards began to burn and create a very large fire tornado with a stroke.

"You are wrong to try to win against me!" Lodo spread his arms to assert his dominance and floated in the middle of the vortex of fire.

His severed hand had regenerated. He added another card from his left hand and turned the tornado into a black flame tornado.

I ran away to the arena wall. The audience laughed at me because they thought I had given up.

'This distance will be enough for me!'

I gripped my sword with both of my hands, and try a stance to slash at him.

My eyes glowed blue, a whirlpool appeared around me. The vortex enlarges and creates an enormous water tornado.

The audience was shocked and amazed to see it.


The entire arena echo due to the splash of two tornadoes.

But the tornado was not my plan, the water tornado was absorbed by my sword and enveloped it.


I slashed my sword and an 'x' shaped hydrowave shot towards Lodo.

Tornadoes of black fire and water slashes collided and exploded. The aftermath of the explosion created a vaporized smoke that covered the entire arena.


In the smoke, I run towards Lodo who can't see. Age may be the cause of the teacher's lack of ability to see.

I swung my sword at him.

"Someone's coming!" Lodo noticed my arrival.

He threw 3 cards at my hand who is holding the sword right now.

My hand immediately cut off, but I quickly grabbed my sword with my other hand.

Without delay, I slashed my sword with a circular slash.

He instantly took out 1 card in each palm of his hand.


His palm and my blade met each other.

"Why are you so strong?!"

"It's not me who is strong. But you are too old!"

My sword let out a very fast stream of water and cut the card.

Lodo's body was thrown against the wall. A slash mark was carved into the arena wall. Lodo was in the middle of the slash mark and fell after a second.

The arena was again surprised by my ability.

'I hate this mission!' I relaxed my newly regenerated hand.

The audience was silent to see the teacher who always won the test is lost at the beginning of the round.

"T-THE WINNER IS... RASYID LONDERIK FROM CLASS 1 PHYSICAL 1!!!" Bahar broke the silence.

The teachers and students cheered.

"Finally there is no difficult enemy!!"

"Our class has a chance to win!!"

"I lost the bet!!!"

"I hope he loses in the next round!!!"

"You're great, Syid!!!"

I heard all kinds of cheers from the arena.

I walked towards Lodo who was still lying unconscious to salute him then left the arena.

One of the teachers of 3rd-year magic met me at the entrance of the field.

"So it was you? Nova's slave!" Her eyes were sharp and she crossed her arms.

A woman with a censoring ability left me after saying that. She really hated that old lady. She would surely love to destroy me at the final.

Meanwhile, I felt someone watching me.

A group of students watched me from a distance next to the audience seat.

"So the teacher doesn't look like the rumors say, hehehe... This is getting more and more interesting." The student held his glasses and smiled happily.

"Looks like we can use him as a victim." A female student with hair tied up like a pair of balls stood behind him.

That group of students left from there after saying that.

"Fortunately, I have data from Anitya. So I can hear anyone from a distance." My voice is low.

I stared coldly at where they were standing.

My life as a teacher seems to be getting more and more troublesome. Crushing 1 or 2 students is fine, right?